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tamoadmin 2024-09-18 人已围观










As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father.

She __2__that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was __3__satisfied with perfume(香水). __4__, shopping at this time of the year was a most __5__job. People __6__on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost __7__ you over in their hurry in order to __8__ something cheap ahead of you.

Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on __9__. "They are __10__silk," the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to __11__her to buy one. But Edith knew from past __12__that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.

She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, __13__where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the __14__were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father __15__ smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was __16__ to please him.

When she got home, with her small but __17__present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already __18__table. Her mother was in great __19__. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so __20__that she could not say a single word.

1. A. suit B. card C. thing D. gift

2. A. believed B. wished C. hoped D. supposed

3. A. never B. seldom C. always D. scarcely

4. A. Therefore B. Fortunately C. Besides D. Finally

5. A. unhappy B. careful C. exciting D. tiring

6. A. walked B. stepped C. lifted D. stood

7. A. turned B. hit C. brought D. knocked

8. A. watch B. find C. grasp D. sell

9. A. time B. show C. board D. duty

10. A. real B. cheap C. poor D. exact

11. A. hope B. ask C. force D. persuade

12. A. experience B. things C. books D. school

13. A. stopped B. saw C. asked D. found

14. A. money B. cigarette C. shapes D. shop

15. A. always B. nearly C. only D. never

16. A. hardly B. impossibly C. possibly D. certainly

17. A. cheap B. well-chosen C. expensive D. ready-made

18. A. on B. by C. beside D. at

19. A. excitement B. anger C. sadness D. disappointment

20. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. excited


1. D。由下文可知, Edith在为父亲选择一件圣诞节礼物。2. B 3. C。由宾语从句中的谓语动词were可知,这是虚拟语气,主句的谓语动词应该是wish。根据he were as easy to please as her mother,可以断定第3空填always。4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B。给父亲选择一件合适的礼物很难,而且,时值圣诞节购物高峰,买东西不是一件令人愉快的事情,人们踩到你的脚上,用肩膀挤着你,为了能在你的前面买到便宜货,几乎会把你撞倒。9. B。be on show是固定词组,意为"陈列着"。10. A。领带是真丝的。11. D 12. A。售货员试图说服Edith买一条领带,但从过去的经验中她知道她选择的领带很难使父亲满意。13. A。Edith在一些男人聚集的柜台前停下来。14. C。烟斗的形状很好看。15. C 16. D。尽管父亲只是偶尔使用烟斗吸烟,但她认为这个烟斗肯定会使父亲满意。17. B。从上文可知,这份小礼物是精心挑选的。18. D。be at table是固定词组,表"坐在桌子旁"。19. A。由she told her daughter happily可知,因为父亲决定戒烟,母亲很高兴。20. C。Edith对父亲戒烟感到惊讶,因为她给父亲买的礼物又不合适。


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


As I drove my blue Buick into the garage. I saw that a yellow Oldsmobile was 21 too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the 22 space. That left

23 enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home 24 , and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space - too close to my car, 25 . At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had 26 and I shouted at her, “Can’t you see you’re not 27 me enough space” Park father over.” Banging(猛推) open her door into 28 ,

the driver shouted back: “Make me!” 29 this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my 30 . Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found 31 . The next day the woman 32 a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):

Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,

I’m sorry mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while 33 . It wasn’t like her to scream 34 . Fact is, she’d just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I 35 you and your mistress will 36 her.

Your neighbor,

Blue Buick

When I went to the 37 the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:

Dear Blue Buick,

My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so 38 because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be 39 now.

Your neighbor,

Yellow Oldsmobile

After that, whenever Blue Buick 40 Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved

cheerfully and smiled.

21.A.driven B.parked C.stopped D.stayed

22.A.complete B.close C.narrow D.fixed

23.A.quite B.nearly C.seldom D.hardly

24.A.hurriedly B.first C.finally D.timely

25.A.as usual B.as planned C.as well D.as yet

26.A.run into B.run about C.run out D.run off

27.A.keeping B.saving C.offering D.leaving

28.A.mine B.hers C.itself D.ours

29.A.For B.With C.From D.Upon

30.A.room B.area C.front D.side

31.A.an instruction B.a result C.an answer D.a chance

32.A.put B.wrote C.sent D.discovered

33.A.working B.driving C.returning D.cooking

34.A.on end B.so long C.like that D.any more

35.A.hope B.know C.suppose D.suggest

36.A.comfort B.help C.forgive D.please

37.A.office B.flat C.place D.garage

38.A.crazily B.eagerly C.noisily D.early

39.A.neighbors B.friends C.drivers D.writers

40.A.followed B.passed C.found D.greeted


21—25 BCDBA 26—30 CDABD 31—35 CDBCA 37—40 CDABB


第三节 完形填空

解析:本篇完型填空和全国A卷完型填空特点相同,是以语境理解考查为主,是“语境能力型”的命题模式,主要考查对上下文的理解,其所设的四个选项往往在语法上都能成立,但从语境来看,却只有一个选项是最合适的。这就需要考生立足语篇环境,树立全局观念,把握逻辑方向。 本文是一篇关于两邻里间因停车车位问题发生口角,而后通过友好方式互相谅解的故事。

21.停放车辆应用park, was parked 表示停放的状态。Stop表示“停下”,“停止”而非“停放”。

22.由上句…a yellow Oldsmobile was parked too close to space.得知停放的位置太靠近我的停车位,所以造成我的停车位有点狭窄,故用narrow。

23.根据上文我的停车位窄, 可知下文窄到剩下了几乎打不开车门的空间。hardly“几乎不”, quite“相当,非常”,nearly“几乎,将近”,seldom“很少”。


25.as usual “象往常一样”。

26.run out “用尽”,此处指失去耐心。

27.leave“留出(给)”,save“节省”, offer“提出”,keep“保存”,此处指留出足够的空间,故选D,另外上文有暗示“That left enough room to open the door

28.对应her door。


拓展: with的复合结构作独立主格

表示伴随情况时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构:with +



He stood there, his hand raised. = He stood there, with his hand raised.他举手着站在那儿。

The murderer was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。

A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied

30.side此处指太靠近我的车位一边。area“地区”,room “空间”不合适。


32.discovered 发现。


34. like that 像那个样子。由上文My patience had run out and I shouted at



36.forgive.“宽恕,谅解”。 作者希望缓解矛盾,因此是请对方谅解,而不是请对方安慰自己。



39.据文章,两辆车在车库经常并排停放,所以两位车的主人都已把对方视为neighbour ,由两张便条的落款也便知这一点。此处指经过互留便条,达到了由原来的邻里争吵而到现在的和解成为朋友。最后一段也可得到印证。


文章标签: # 英语 # 答案 # 高考