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tamoadmin 2024-08-01 人已围观

简介1.2014年高考哪些省份用"全国卷2.跪求湖北历年的语文高考题 想练下高考选择题时珍故里,鸟语花香;教授名县,山欢水笑。在连续两年打造史上最严、最好高考的新形势下,2014年高考成绩揭晓,蕲春县高分人数、上重点线、本科线人数实现大幅增长,首次跻身黄冈市“第一方阵”。据统计,今年蕲春县参考7057人,比去年减少465人。600分以上达到71人,比去年净增31人,增幅达到77.5%。全县过一本线人数


2.跪求湖北历年的语文高考题 想练下高考选择题






本报讯 通讯员朱晓铃报道:2014年高考成绩出炉,麻城实现三大增长:过一本线人数增长2%,今年过一本线考生人数达735人,与2013年相比提高了2个百分点,600分以上共117人,比去年净增66人,其中理科110人,文科7人。黄冈市前十名人数同比净增7人。在黄冈市理科前十名中,麻城占5人,其中程明同学以685分的成绩勇夺黄冈理科状元。文科前十名麻城占4人,其中肖凌晨同学以611分获黄冈文科探花。


本报讯 通讯员江星毕朝晖报道:6月23日,备受关注的2014年高考成绩揭晓。英山县今年高考一本、二本、三本上线率等多项指标均较往年有大幅提升,创近年最好水平。



本报讯 通讯员卢杰峰报道:6月24日,2014年高考成绩已经揭晓,红安县在全县参考人数大幅减少(较去年减少745人)的情况下,全县高考亮点突出。





本报讯 通讯员吴文秀王爱国王琦报道:6月23日,全省高考成绩揭晓,黄州区重点大学上线人数386人,上线率16.06%,超出全省高考一本录取比例的6个百分点。区一中囊括黄州考点(不含黄冈中学)文科前10名、理科前20名;李航、周翔同学高考成绩超过空军飞行员录取线。西湖中学杜洋同学过中央美术学院分数线,郑金鑫、王洁琛、杜洋、童颖四名同学过中国美术学院分数线。区一中、西湖中学、理工中专、赤壁中学圆满完成高考目标任务,上线人数实现历史性突破。


本报讯 通讯员饶胜金伍志勇报道:6月23日,普通高考成绩揭晓,武穴高考再创佳绩。




生活中每一天都会发生许多的小事,也许我们从后来都未真正的注意过他们,然而我们却偏偏就是再这些小事中包含的大智慧、大道理中懂得了许多的知识和道理,就是从小事中发现一个的精神风貌……其实,小事他并不小。  记得在四年级的时候,那天正好是傍晚,同学们都走了,只剩我们几个值日生在做值日,还有几个同学在做作业。过了一会儿,几个做作业的同学收拾好书包飞一样冲出教室,教室边的扫把被他们给弄倒了。一位同学回过头来说:“呀!扫把倒了!”另一个同学使劲拽着他说:“值日生会捡的,快走吧!”说完,他们头也不回地走了。他们走了以后,谁也没有去扶扫把。这时候,打水的同学回来了,她提着满满的一桶水向教室走来,她看见倒下的扫把,便放下水桶,慢慢地走过去扶起扫把。作为一名小学生,一把扫帚放在门槛上,出来进去,视而不见,这反映出有些学生不爱劳动的思想,对集体漠不关心的态度,“事不关己,高高挂起”的自由主义恶习。由小见大,见微知着。如果一个学生连把扫帚都不愿拾起,“大嫂”遇雨他也不会递上雨衣;儿童落入冰窟,他也不会扑进寒流;森林起火,人民的财产遭受损失时,他也不会挺身而出……  我们敬爱的周总理生前就是一个从来不把小事看小的典范。对于一个总理来说,一个几岁小孩子的事情一定是件小事的。但是当总理和一个小孩子乘坐的飞机遇到冰冻的时候,飞机上正好缺少一个伞包,我们的总理却大一个小孩子的小事当成比自己生命都还大的大事来看、来做。  所以我们也要像我们总理那样,认真地做好每一件事情,不管它是大事还是所谓的小事。只有把每一件事都做好的人,才可以算是一个合格的人,一个有用的人。


It isn't hard to grow up into a responsible member of society.I can well remember an incident that hened on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light at a crossing when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car, which drove off quickly. A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation. Luckily she was not badly injured and we sent her to the nearest hospital. Compared with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did.As a member of the society, I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.


my hometown is hubei, a beautiful town along the Yangtze river.the house is built near the river, so when you open your window, you can see the beautiful scenery of Yangtze river.shengnongxi is a nice tourist attraction which attracts tourist from all over the world.and these sightseeing boats can been seen in front of our house. i am prud of my hometown when i am seeing these boats. what`s more. people here are very friendly and warm-hearted. wele to my hometown, and you can enjoy many delicious and peculiar food here.






huangshi, is located in the southeast hubei province, south of the Yangtze river middle reaches.Established in August 1950, after the founding of the people is one of o municipalities which hubei province set up the earliest, it is deputy central city of wuhan city circle, central China's important industrial base of raw materials, is also a coastal open cities roved by the state council.Huangshi has four area, a county-level city, a county, a national economic development zone, with a total area of 4583 square kilometers and a population of 2429318 people (2010).huangshi is one of the cradles of the Chinese bronze culture, as well as the cradle of modern Chinese national industry.Huangshi industrial culture heritage, good industrial base, has a "hometown of bronze", "cradle of steel", "cement hometown" and "clothing new town," said.Huangshi has formed 14 leading industries such as metallurgy, building materials, textile, with cities of hubei province is the first free trade zone - huangshi (continent) board bonded logistics center.huangshi is the ancient capital, mining and metallurgy culture landscape livable new town, ping base, textile and arel new town.黄石,位于湖北省东南部,长江中游南岸。








Today,when I awoke,I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life,ever!There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did!And because I did I'm going to celebrate!Today,I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I he had so far:the acplishments,the many blessings,and,yes,even the hardships because they he served to make me stronger.I will go through this day with my head held high,and a hy heart.I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts:the morning dew,the sun,the clouds,the trees,the flowers,the birds.Today,none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice.Today,I will share my excitement for life with other people.I'll make someone *** ile.I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know.Today,I'll give a sincere pliment to someone who seems down.I'll tell a child how special he is,and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for her and how much she means to me.Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't he and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me.I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine.And tonight,before I go to bed,I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heens.I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon,and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures.As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow,I will thank the Almighty for the best day of my life.And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child,excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life,ever!





题目:湖南卷高考英语作文主要是通过英语作文讲述一次关于他人或者是自己的经历,主要是需要考生把给出的关键词,镶嵌进去,match winner loser result。

Last week, a football match was held beeen we Class One and Class Two.The players from both sides are all excellent basketball players, so the match went on fiercely at first. At last the result is: the winner is Cass Two, and we were the loser.We didn't win the match, but we didn't lose heart. One the one hand, we think that friendship es first, and match es second. On the other hand, since we all tried our best, we had no regret. In our life we may meet many failures, as long as we try our best, there's no need feeling regret for these failures. What' more, we should *** yze the reasons of failure to get success for the next time.In a word, success is important, so is failure, because it's the mother of success.翻译:上周一班和二班举行了一场足球赛。









我要参加2014希望之星英语演讲比赛 求一篇英语作文,词数300以下最...

Busy SaturdaySaturday is a busy day for many families. Some families go shopping.Some families visit friends. Some families play sports. Some families dothings at home. Some families he a special day. They do things togetherthat they he no time to do on other days. Jay Chen lives with his grandparents. On Saturday, the Chens go to the farmers' market. Many other people are at the market. They buy fresh eggs. They buy fresh syrup. They buy les. They buy nuts. Fran has practice on Saturday. Fran's dad is the of her team. Fran and her dad go out for breakfast before practice. Fran eats flapjacks. Her dad eats eggs. Cal and his mother go shopping on Saturday. Cal gets a new fish for his tank. Next, they go to the farmers' market. Cal sees his friend Jay. Later, Cal and his mother watch a game. Cal wes to Fran. Saturday is a busy day. It is a time when families can do things together. That makes Saturday special!






内容要点如下:1. 表示理解并给予安慰;2. 提出建议并说明理由。

注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;3. 信的开头与结尾已为你拟好,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪Hi Worried,I'm sorry to know that you're hing such a bad time at the moment._________________________________________________Yours,Jamie范文:Hi Worried,I'm sorry to know that you're hing such a bad time at the moment. The truth is everyone will he one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you don't he to worry so much. The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you'll regret. Here are three useful tips:First, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. Second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger. And third, remain optimistic about your future. Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits. I hope you'll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.Yours,Marj

One Possible Version Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in an ordinary school. Disointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and considerate. Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided to make the best of it. I worked hard and got along well with my teachers and clas *** ates. Whenever I had difficulties, they were always ailable. Soon, I became one of the top students in my class, which greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated. My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it that determines who you are. 三年前一次重要的考试我的失败了,(只能)成为一个普通的学校一名学生.寒酸的校园和破旧的教学设备令我失望,我发现老师很体贴并且有耐心.此外我喜欢班上友好的氛围.我决定充分利用它.我努力学习并且和老师同学相处得很好.每当我遇到困难他们总会帮助我.很快,我成为了班里的尖子生,这大大的增强了我的自信和 *** . 我的经历告诉我并不是给了你什么你你就能充分利用它,决定权在于你自己.

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