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简介1.2010年9月份浙江省英语高考听力答案 附上题目2.问一道高考英语听力题3.请帮我回答高考英语口试的部分试题4.函授专升本成人高考英语题目有哪些?5.高考英语单项选择题易错题6.00--08年高考英语作文题目及答案(全国卷1,2)谢谢了,大神帮忙啊7.请分析两题高考英语题目,谢谢8.一道11年的北京高考英语阅读理解题,求解 天津卷英语高考试题进一步体现语言测试的综合性和语境化的特征,所涉及的考

1.2010年9月份浙江省英语高考听力答案 附上题目


























2010年9月份浙江省英语高考听力答案 附上题目

Ⅰ. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases gives in the brackets.

1.早睡早起有益于健康(do good to)


3.就我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。(as far as)


5.到目前为止,我们学过的英语单词总计大约有三千五百个。(add up to)


Ⅰ. 参考答案(仅供阅卷老师参考)

1. Going to bed early and getting up early does good to your health.

考核点:1) going to bed early and getting up early

2) do good to

2. Do you he the habit of offering your seat to the old on the bus?

考核点:1)habit 2)offer

3. As far as I know, it is convenient to do shopping in that small city.

考核点:1)as far as I know 2)convenient

4. He regretted missing the chance of getting the scholarship.

考核点:1)regret 2)chance

5. The English words we he learned so far add up to about 3500.

考核点:1)so far 2)add up to

6. The students he come to realize that friendship is more important than money and that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

考核点1)come to realize 2)more…than 3)a friend in need is a friend indeed


浙江省2010年9月的英语听力高考答案 (仅供参考)






2.C wife是好的,daughter生baby去看望

3.B airport


5.A 让停别处park elsewhere

6.A,dinner table和bed都在designer2000

7.C lamp

8.A 离开宾馆时结账leing the hotel

9.C 不知道欠了这么多didn't know owned so much

10.B应该know about the charge in advance

11.C 50岁

12.A男的说不失望,not bad 所以是satisfactory





17.B social life

18.A hey rain for a time

19.B clear up

20.C rain


对白:M:Excuse me.Would you mind if I use your phone?

W:Help yourself.It's on the table over there.

问题:What does the woman mean?

A.The man should help himself

B.The man may use the phone







A。男的应该help himself


不选A,有两点:1.这个should用得不好。好象在教训人似的。 2.从题目本身来看,原对话中用了help yourself, 选择中再用这个,就象谜底中不能出现谜面中的字一样,是做题的技巧。(否则就是很低级的听力题了)



1.Very nice!

2.I think the bus should be better.

3.That's all right.

4.Oh,yes.I'll take your advise.

5.Thank you for your reminding me.

6.Yes,why not?

7.Sure, I'd love to.

8.Sorry sir.

9.I just caught a bad flu.

10.Ok, I will

11.Very comfortable.

12.It's on the No.999 Siping Road.


14.You'd better take it to the repairing centre.

15.Never mind.That's so kind of you.

16.I think it is a little difficult.

17.Never mind,I'm glad you are pleased with it.


19.Hello,what can I do for you?

Do you want to try our special lunch today?

20.Do you feel much better now?

How soon could you lee the hospital?

21.What is your size?

Do you like the pink one?

22.How long he you seen this show?

Are you really interested in it?

23.He you done enough exercises to warm yourself?

How many times do you plan to swim?

24.How much sugur can I put on it?

Are 5 eggs enough for it?

25.How long do you guarantee for the product?

What kind of service can I he if there's something wrong with it?

26.When will you lee?

How long will you stay there?

27.How long shoud the speech be?

Can I use the computer to show my passage?

28.Are you this little baby?

How old were you when taking this photo?

29.With the development of our modern society,more and more people put emphsis on the economy.

But I think to a person,the most important treasure is their own health.Only he a good health, can you do other work,or you could get nothing!

Secondly,the aim of making money is to live a better life. So obviously, all the wealth that people he earned is to improve their health and to live as long as possible.

All in all, one's health is more important than wealth.

30.I'd like to choose the first one.

There are three reasons for my choice.Firstly, the ly of fuel has become a serious problem.

Many countries has faced with the lack of oil and some other resources.So we should take public transportation to se the resources.

Secondly,More and more cars will cause a more and more serious air pollution.Nowadays, all the nations are trying to provide their local people with a clean environment.

So I prefer to take the public buses rather than the private cars.



其中,选择题包括有语音、语法与词汇、完型 填空、阅读理解、补全对话。非选择题有短文写作。


1. It isn't quite _____ that he will be present at the meeting.

A. sure B. right

C. exact D. certain

[答案] D. certain.

[注释]I am sure that +从句。He is sure to come. = He is certain to come.但在it作形式主语, that引导主语从句时, 主句中表语只能用certain, 不能用sure.

2. Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

A. opportunities

B. realities

C. necessities

D. probabilities

[答案] A. opportunities.

[注释]opportunity常指“ (难得的应抓住的) 机会”, 既可作可数名词, 也可以作不可数名词用, 如:I had few opportunities of meeting interesting people there. They had not much opportunity for hearing good music in the remote area.

3. The members of the club wouldn't run a _____ in entrusting(委托) the organization to an unreliable person.

A. danger B. risk

C. hazard D. chance

[答案] B. risk.

[注释]run a risk (in) 冒险:You are running a big risk in trusting him.


4. The meeting was _____ when the chairman fell ill.

A. put down B. shut out

C. cut short D. taken off

[答案] C. cut short.

5. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough _____ for his organizing ability.

A. scope B. space

C. capacity D. range

[答案] A. scope.

[注释]本题中scope (=opportunity; outlet) 施展机会, 发展余地, 是不可数名词, 如:Give someone scope to show his ability. Range意指“变动范围; 视听范围; 理解范围”, 如:the range of prices (价格变动范围).

6. I just managed to _____ a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.

A. snatch B. scratch

C. scrape D. scan

[答案] A. snatch.

[注释] snatch的原义是“攫取; 抓住; 夺得”。本题中snatch意指“匆忙间设法得到”, 如:He snatched an hour of sleep. (他匆匆睡了一小时觉。) snatch a quick breath (匆忙猛吸了一口气)。

7. My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very _____ about the food he eats.

A. special B. peculiar

C. particular D. unusual

[答案] C. particular.

[注释]be particular about对......讲究, 挑剔; She is very particular about what she wears. (她对她得穿着很讲究。) Mr. Smith was quite particular about my work. (史密斯先生对工作十分挑剔。)

8. I don't think the charge for overhauling (大修)the equipment is excessive in _____ to its size.

A. correspondence

B. equation

C. proportion

D. dimension

[答案] C. proportion.

[注释]in proportion to是固定搭配, 意为“与......成比例, 与.......相称”。反义语:out of proportion不成比例,不相称。本题称。

本题译文:我认为该设备的大修费并不过分, 是与它的大小相称的。

9. Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.

A. swollen B. raised

C. developed D. increased

[答案] B. raised.

10. Hing lived in the town for quite a few years, Mr. Johnson no longer felt _____ among the local people.

A. out of order B. out of place

C. out of control D. out of the question

[答案] B. out of place.

11. He stopped his ears with his hands to _____ the terrible noise.

A. show off B. cut out

C. keep from D. shut out

[答案] D. shut out.

[注释]shut out排除。

show off炫耀; cut out删掉; keep from; 1) 隐瞒; She kept the truth from me. (她向我隐瞒真相。) 2) 不沾, 避开; He keeps from alcohol. (他滴酒不沾。) 3) 使不做某事:She kept herself from laughing. (她没有笑出来。)

12. My house is the only brick one on the street. It _____ and you can't miss it.

A. stands up B. looks out

C. sticks out D. wipes out

[答案] C. stick out.

13. After the show, the crowd _____ out of the theater.

A. poured B. melted

C. drew D. dismissed

[答案] A. poured.

[注释]pour 此处意为:涌出, 涌来, 如:People poured out to the rally. (人们踊跃参加群众大会。)

14. Although it is not our normal _____ to give credit, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.

A. state B. intention

C. occasion D. practice

[答案] D. practice.

[注释]practice (=way of doing sth. That is common or habitual; sth. done regularly) 做法, 惯例 :It is my practice always to rise early. To give credit 让赊欠:No credit is given at this shop. (这家商店概不赊欠。)

15. It ge me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in _____.

A. news B. print

C. publication D. press

[答案] B. print.

[注释]in print是习语, 意指“印出来, 发表出来”, 如:She finally saw her novel in print. (她终于看到他的出版了。) in print 的另一个意思是“在印行, 还在发行”, 如:This book is still in print. (这本书还在发行, 可以买到) 反义词是out of print , 意指“不在印行, 买不到了。”如:The book you speak of is out of print. (你说到的那本书已不在发行了。)

16. The engineers he rejected the employers' proposals to end the strike and the other workers he come out in _____.

A. opposition B. return

C. sympathy D. readiness

[答案] C. sympathy.

[注释] in sympathy 以示同情, come out 此处意为 (=declare oneself) 表明态度, 所以come out in sympathy 意为“表示同情”。In return 作为报答, 如:I wanted nothing in return . (我不要什么报答。) collaboration协作, 如:work in collaboration with sb. (与某人协力合作) 。Opposition 反对, 如:rise in opposition to (起来反对) 。readiness 准备 (状态); 待机, 如:hing everything in readiness for departure (做好一切准备, 以便出发)。

17. Her work is often very hard and she gets very tired. The work is _____.

A. wonderful B. splendid

C. tedious D. magnificent

[答案] C. tedious .

[注释] tedious (=tiresome ;wearying; uninteresting) "沉闷的, 厌烦的, 乏味的”。

Splendid 壮丽的, 辉煌的, 极好的。magnificent 壮丽的, 宏伟的:It was a magnificent ceremony. (这是一次盛大隆重的仪式)。

18. With prices _____ so much, it's hard for the company to plan a budget.

A. fluctuating B. wing

C. swinging D. vibrating

[答案] A. fluctuating

[注释]本句前一部分是"with+名词+现在分词短语"的独立结构, 做状语。Fluctuate (=move up and down) (指物价, 标准等的) 波动。如:Prices fluctuate from year to year. (物价年年波动) we飘扬, 挥舞; 招手; (庄稼的) 波动。Swing摆动, 摇摆; vibrate振动。可见, 根据题意, 只能选A. fluctuating.

19. Some agers he a generalized resentment against society, which _____ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.

A. deprives B. restricts

C. rejects D. denies

[答案] D. denies.

[注释]deny (=refuse to give or allow) 拒绝给予:He denied his children nothing . (孩子们要什么他就给什么。) deprive (=take away from) .剥夺。deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某物:They deprived women of the right to vote. (他们剥夺了妇女的投票权。) restrict (=keep within limits) The doctor restricted him to 5 cigarettes a day. (医生限制他一天抽5支烟。) reject (refuse to accept ) 拒绝接受, 如:She rejected my suggestion.

本题译文:一些十几岁的孩子们往往对社会有普遍的逆反心理, 虽然他们发育成熟, 但社会拒绝给予他们同成年人一样的权利和优惠。

20. Though _____ in San Francisco, De Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.

A. raised B. grown

C. developed D. cultivated

[答案] A. raised

[注释]本句中Though raised in San Franciscos是省略的让步状语从句。Raise (=bring up) 抚养:grow种植; cultivate耕作; 培养 (友谊等) 。如cultivate后接某人, 则意为“培养与某人的感情”。如:John always tries to cultivate the people, who are useful to him professionally. (约翰一向喜欢与事业上对他有用的人来往。)

本题译文:尽管在旧金山长大, 但戴夫米切尔总是愿意把小镇生活中平凡的事情记载下来。

21. I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso. It's only a copy and so it's _____.

A. priceless B. invaluable

C. unworthy D. worthless

[答案] D. worthless.

[注释] worthless 无价值的, 无用的。Priceless 无价的, 贵重的, 无法估价的:a priceless treasure 无价之宝。Invaluable 无法估价的, 非常宝贵的。Unworthy 不值得的, 不配的; 无价值的。

22. The final _____ of the play will take place on Monday.

A. action B. performance

C. view D. sight

[答案] B. performance.

[注释]performance (话剧的) 一场演出。

23. It was a long time before the cut on my hand _____ completely.

A. healed B. cured

C. improved D. recovered

[答案] A. healed.

24. To get my trelers' checks I had to he the bank _____ a special check for the total amount.

A. make up B. make out

C. make for D. make up for

[答案] B. make out..

25. She said she was glad the difficulty had been _____.

A. cleared away B. cleared up

C. broken away D. broken down

[答案] B. cleared up.

26. I used to be able to play well but I'm _____ now.

A. out of date

B. out of touch

C. out of practice

D. out of place

[答案] C. out of practice.

[注释] out of practice荒废, 久不练习; out of date 过时, 老式; out of touch失去联系; out of place详见 III, 70注释。

27. As soon as the children were _____, their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.

A. woke B. waken

C. wake D. awake

[答案] D. awake.

[注释]awake adj.醒着的 (作表语) 。Awake, awaken, wake, waken都可以作及物和不及物动词用, 但是awake多用作不及物动词, 其中wake最常用。

28. Jim was so badly burnt that at first they began to _____ of his life.

A. despair B. designate

C. disoint D. despise

[答案] A. despair.

[注释] despair of (=be in despair) 对.......失望:1) Don't despair: things will get better soon. 2) He began to despair of success. 3) He despaired of being able to repair the TV set. (他对能否修好这台电视机表示失望。) designate指明, 指出, despise 轻视, 藐视。

29. The 's strong action demonstrated its _____ to crush the rebellion.

A. energy B. resistance

C. courage D. determination

[答案] D. determination.

[注释] determination意为“决心”, 后常接动词不定式作定语。

30. New mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming Antarctic _____.

A. excursion B. execution

C. extraction D. expedition

[答案] D. expedition.

[注释]expedition 远征, 探险; excursion 短途旅行, 游览; execution 实施, 执行; extraction 提取。





 1. Was _______Bill, ______played the piano very well, helped the blind man out?

 A. he; who; that B. it; that; that C. it; who; who D. he; that; who

 2. In area it is about the same size as the USA(without Alaska), which has .

 A. three times more than as many people B. as more than three times many people

 C. more than as three times many people D. more than three times as many people

 3. New ideas sometimes he to wait a long time ________ .

 A. before fully accepted B. before being fully accepted

 C. till are fully accepted D. until being fully accepted

 4. -The work will take me another week. I'm really tired.

 -I think you as well consult an experienced worker.

 A.may B.can C.need D.must

 5. Your speech given at the meeting, ______ everyone is taking into careful consideration, means much to us all.

 A. where B. what C. as D. which

 6. ______ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.

 A. Examining B. Examined

 C. Being examined D. Hing been examined

 7.By the year she arrives in London, scientists probably ____ a cure for bird flue.

 A. will be discovering B. are discovering

 C. will he discovered D. he discovered

 8. --- Mom, I can't see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school.

 --- Come on, dear. Years of hard work will surely _____ in the future of your career.

 A. make sure B. pay off C. bring back D. pay back

 9. They notice that plants don't grow well _______ is much shade.

 A. where B. which C. where there D. there

 10. ________ it is to jump into the river to swim in summer!

 A. What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. How funny

 11. ---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.

 ---- Where did you _______?

 A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up

 12. I came home very late last night, _______, early this morning.

 A. at the latest B. on the whole C. in a word D. or rather

 13. Life is like sport, I mean it's a hard competitive business.

 A. in which B. by which C. for which D. of which

 14.-I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place.

 -I'm afraid that me for the moment.

 A. reminds B. puzzles C. disturbs D. escapes

 15.-Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?

 -No, only the two passengers who got hurt.

 A. it was B. there was C. there were D. there had

 16. The exercise is not difficult but just needs care and patience.

 A. by itself B. of itself C. in itself D. for itself

 17.-Is there any particular soup you would like to he?

 - you select is all right with me.

 A. Whatever B. Anyone C. No matter what D. Whichever

 18. He narrowly missed being seriously hurt, if not______, by the explosion.

 A. killed B. being killed C. be killed D. to be killed

 19. Few people paid full attention to their health conditions _____ they were seriously ill.

 A. when B. if C. until D. before

 20. The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ______ of forced entry.

 A. scene B. show C. sign D. sight

 21. -What did you think of _____ president?

 -I didn't care for him at first, but after ______ time I got to like him.

 A. the, a B. /, the C. the, the D. /, a

 22. -I can't find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

 -It was in the hotel _____ he stayed.

 A. that B. where C. which D. the one

 23. Mr and Mrs Scot prefer a restaurant in a small town to _____ in so large a city as New York.

 A. that B. the one C. one D. it

 24. Written in a hurry, ______. How can it be satisfactory?

 A. They found many mistakes in the report

 B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the report

 C. There are many mistakes in the report

 D. The report is full of mistakes

 25. -Are you free after school?

 -Sorry, I've planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner ______ for help.

 A. in order B. in return C. in turn D. in honor

 26. The soldiers soon reached ______ was once an old temple ______ the villagers used as a school.

 A. what , where B. what , which C. where , which D. what , where

 27.The boy the teachers considered _____ was caught ______ in the exam, which surprised us very much.

 A. to be the best, cheating

 B. as the best student, to cheat

 C. being the best, cheating

 D. as a good student, to cheat

 28. ---What's the matter with Jane? She has been sitting there for hours.

 ---A letter from her mother an attack of home sickness in her.

 A. set out B. set off C. sent off D. sent up

 29. - Tom, I'm afraid I can't go to the picnic with you.

 -But you ___ me you would.

 A. had told B. he told C. told D. tell

 30. --Tom, you feed the rabbit today, ?

 --But I fed it yesterday.

 A. do you B. will you C. didn't you D. don't you

 31. She comes to school every day it rains heily.

 A. besides B. except for C. except that D. except when

 32. , the mountain climbers conquered Mount Qomolangma in the end.

 A.As the difficulty was great B.Great as the difficulty was

 C.Great difficulty as it was D.The difficulty was great

 33. As we all know, les are sold by ______ weight, and socks are sold by _______ dozen.

 A. the; a B. /; a C. /; the D. the; the

 34. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ____ to its burning temperature.

 A. is heated B. will be heated C. be heated D. would be heated

 35. _____ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

 A. As B. Since C. Provided D. While

 36. _____ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving(兴旺的) as it is.

 A. Had it not been B. Were it not C. Be it not D. Should it not be

 37.When you go by train, make sure you take an express, stops only at big stations.

 A.one B.one that C.that D.what

 38. Much to the disointment of the neighboring countries, the Japanese refuses to admit ________ crime they did in _______ World War II in the history.

 A. the; the B. /; the C. /; / D. the; /

 39. ------ Mr White is strongly against the plan.

 ------ ________ ? It was he who suggested it.

 A. Why not B. Is that right C. What for D. How's that

 40. ------What's the problem, officer?

 ------You ________ at least 75 in a 55 zone.

 A. are driving B. drove C. were driving D. he been driving










第一题:D.ask for

ask for sth .请求得到什么。


get from 应该是,get sth from ,否则就没有宾语。

follow, 还没盖之前就follow,不合逻辑。应该是盖的时候follow。

receive, 一般指的是接受到,接到。单个单词用就没有努力或做什么事情来得到的意思。



64. The underlined word “engage” in Para.4 probably means ______.

答案A. explore 探讨

The real reason why I ask students to lee technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can he deep conversions and truly engage complex ideas.

66. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author ______.

答案是D. values technology-free dialogues in his class

I’m not saying that I won’t ever change my mind about technology use in my history class, but until I hear a really good reason for the change ,I’m sticking to my plan. A few hours of technology-free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.

本文 谈的是 不用 电脑等设备 所以是作者 把 在课堂上 不用电脑等设备 的 会话讨论 看的很重要 too sweet to give up.太好了以至于 不能放弃

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