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简介1.高考单选题,如何判断非谓语作状语这个考点2.高考英语语法:2011年高考英语非谓语动词专题训练3.向高手提问一道有关英语非谓语动词的选择题(高中英语)!!!4.不会做,英语强人给做做吧,为什么是那个答案啊?非谓语动词,英语语法好难啊!!5.一道英语高考题非谓语动词练习 —— 高一英语试题动 名 词 专 项 练 习 1. It took the workmen only two hours







非谓语动词练习 —— 高一英语试题

动 名 词 专 项 练 习

1. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ my car.

A. repairing B.repair C.to repair D.repaired

2. It’s no good ________ over split milk.

A. to cry B.crying C.cried D.cry

3. Have you forgotten ___________$1000 from me last month? Will you please remember _________ it tomorrow?

A. borrowing; to bring B.to borrow; bring

C.borrowed; bringing D.borrowing; bringing

4. The classroom wants __________.

A. clean B.cleaned C.to clean D.cleaning

5. Jack said that he wouldn't mind ___________ for us.

A. to wait B.wait C.waiting D.waited

6. My brother keeps _________ me with my work.

A. to help B.help C.helping D.helped

7. We should often practise _________ English with each other.

A. to speak B.spoke C.speak D.speaking

8. Keep on _________ and you will succeed.

A. a try B.try C.triing D.trying

9. His parents insist on ____________ to college.

A. he should go B.he go C.his going D.him to go

10. The story was so funny that we ___________.

A. couldn’t help laugh B.can’t but laugh

C.couldn't help laughing D.couldn’t help but to laugh

11. How much time did you spend __________ the text?

A.copying B.to copy C.in copy D.on copying

12. I ________see you without ________ your mother.

A. never; thinking of B.never; thinking about

C. not; thinks of D.don't; think about

13.Though it sounds a bit too dear(昂贵),it is worth _________.

A. being bought B.buying C.to buy D.buying it

14. The novel is well _________.

A. worth to read B.worth being read

C.worthy to read D.worthy of being read

15. The farmers were busy __________ cotton.

A.to pick B.picking C.with picking D.pluck



1.Is there any shop in the district ______ (卖水果和蔬菜的)?

2.The man in the picture______ (同外宾握手的)is our headmaster.

3.We must support the people______ (正在为自由和解放而斗争的).

4.There is a car in front of the hotel ______ (等着送你去火车站).

5.“My Old Home" is a story______ (鲁迅在1921年写的).

6.He showed us a photo of the Great Hall of the People,______ (他照的)when he went to Beijing on business.

7.The car______ (正在修理的)is very old.

8.______ (由于受过良好的训练)he has no trouble in doing this kind of work.

9.______ (和我谈话时)he pointed out my shortcomings and gave me some advice on how to improve my work.

10.______ (使用了多年),the machine needs repairing.


1.selling vegetables and fruit 2.shaking hands with the foreign guest

3.fighting for freedom and liberation 4.waiting to take you to the railway station

5.written by Lu Xu in 1921 6.taken by him 7.being repaired

8.Having been well trained 9.While talking with me 10.Having been used



(78)1. I"ve heard him_____ about you often.

A. spoke B. speaks C. speak

(79)2. I"m hungry. Get me something_____.

A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. for eating

(79)3. There isn"t any difference between the two. I really don"t know_____

A. where to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which

79)4, The teacher told them_____ make so much noise.

A. don"t B. not C. will not D. not to

(79)5. I saw him_____ out of the room.

A. go B. had gone C. has gone D. goes

(79)6. I"m going to have my radio

A. fixed B. to fix C. fix D. fixing

(80)7. The workers want us_____ together with them.

A. work B. working C. to work D. worked

(80)8. The officers narrowly escaped_____ in the hot battle.

A. have killed B. to kill C. to be killed D. being killed

(80)9. _____ the letter, he went out to post it,

A. Writing B. Being written C. Having written D. Written

(80)10. If you wave your book in front of your face, you can feel the air_____ against your face.

A. moved B. moving C. moves D. to move

(81)11. Don"t you remember_____?

A. seeing the man before B. to see the man before

C. saw the man before D. to have seen the man before


(83) 12. People couldn"t help_____ the foolish emperor in the procession.

A. laugh at B. to laugh at C. laughing at D. laughing on

(83) 13. What"s the language in Germany?

A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak

(83)14. We"re looking forward_____ the photo exhibition.

A. to visiting B. to visit C. to having visited D. visiting

(83) 15. Our headmaster often told us _____ things for granted.

A. not to have B. not to take C. didn"t take D. not to make

(83)16. The girl_____ under that tree is my sister.

A. sitting B. sits C. is sitting D. sat

(84)17. ___ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.

A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D. Having been followed by

(84)18. Do you remember_____ me at a party last year?

A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met

(85)19. This sentence needs_____

A. an improvement B. improve C. improving D. improved

(85)20. "What are you going to do this morning?"

"I"m thinking of_____ to visit my aunt."

A. go B. going C. having gone D. my going

(85)21. _____ anything about the accident ,he went to work as usual.

A. Not known B. Known not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing

(85)22. "Have you decided when_____?"

"Yes, tomorrow morning."

A. to leave B. to be leaving C. will you leave D. are you leaving

(85)23. I really enjoy_____ that kind of job.

A. do B. doing C. to do D. to be doing

(85)24. "There"s a hole in your bag."

"l know. I am going to have it_____."

A. mend B. mending C. mended D. to be mended

(86)25. The next morning she found the man in bed, _____ dead.

A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying

(86)26. Tell him_____ the window.

A. to shut not B. not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut

(86)27. Only one of these books is

A. worth to read B. worth being read C. wroth of reading D. worth reading

(86)28. He had his leg_____ in the match yesterday.

A. to break B. broken C. break D. breaking

(86)29. I can"t imagine_____ that with them.

A. do B. to do C. being done D. doing

(87) 30. Most of the people_____ to the party were famous scientists.

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting

(87)31. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _____.

A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch

(87)32. Though he had often made his little sister_____, today he was made_____ by his little sister.

A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry

(87)33. They would not allow him_____ across the enemy line.

A. to risk going B. risking to go C. for risk to go D. risk going

(88)34. She didn"t remember_____ him before.

A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met

(88)35. They knew her very well. They had seen her_____ up from childhood.

A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow

(89)36. Do you know the boy_____ under the big tree?

A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying

(89)37. Go on_____ the other exercise after you have finished this one.

A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing

(89)38.There was terrible noise______ the sudden burst of light.

A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed

(89)39. "What do you think of the book?"

"Oh, excellent. It"s worth_____ a second time."

A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read

(89)40. She pretended_____ me when I passed by.

A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen

(89)41. "Good morning. Can I help you?"

"I"d like to have this package_____, madam."

A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed

(89)42. _____ your coat at once. We must hurry.

A. Wear B. Wearing C. Put on D. Putting on

(90)43. Most of the artists_____ to the party were from South Africa.

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited

(90)44. _____ more attention, the trees could have grown better.

A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given

(90)45. She reached the top of the hill and stopped_____ on a big rock by the side of the path.

A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest

(90)46. Last summer I took a course on

A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made

(91)47. The murderer was brought in, with his hands_____ behind his back.

A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied

(91)48. The secretary worked late into the night, _____ a long speech for the president.

A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing

(91)49. I can hardly imagine Peter_____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed

(91)50. --The light in the office is still on.

--Oh, I forgot_____

A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off

(91)51. John was made_____ the truck for a week as a punishment.

A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing

(92)52. Little Jim should love to_____ the theatre this evening.

A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking

(92)53. --I usually go there by train.

--Why not_____ by boat for a change.

A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going

(92)54. I would appreciate______ back this afternoon.

A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you"re calling

(92)55. There"re so many kinds of tape- recorders on sale that I can"t make up my mind_____ to buy.

A. what B. which C. how D. where

(92)56._____ a reply, he decided to write again.

A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received

(93)57, "Can"t you read?" Mary said_____ to the notice,

A.angrily pointing B. and point angrily C.angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing

(93)58.How about the two of us_____ a walk down the garden?

A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking

(93)59. The computer centre, _____ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened

(93) 60. Charles Babbage is generally considered _____ the first computer.

A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented

(94)61. --I must apologize for_____ ahead of time.

--That"s all right.

A. letting you not know B. not letting you know

C. letting you know not D. letting not you know

(94)62, The missing boys were last seen_____ near the river.

A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play

(94)63.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added

(94). The first textbooks_____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written

(95)65.--You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting:

--Well, now I regret_____ that.

A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done

(95)66. Paul doesn"t have to be made_____. He always works hard.

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning

(95)67. We agreed_____ here but so far she hasn"t turned up yet.

A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met

(96)68. The patient was warned______ oily food after the operation.

A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating

(96)69. ______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose

(97)70. I would love______ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

(97) 71. The Olympic Games, ______ in 776 B. C., did not include women players until 1912.

A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing

(97)72. -- Alice, why didn"t you come yesterday?

-- I______, but I had an unexpected, visitor.

A. had B. would C. was going to D. did

(97)73. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone______ get out.

A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to

(98)74. _____ it with me and I"ll see what I can do.

A. When left B. Leaving C.If you leave D. Leave

(98)75. Cleaning women in big cities usually get______ by the hour.

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

(98)76. European football is played in 80 countries, ______ it the most popular sport in the world.

A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

(99)77. Robert is said_____ abroad, but I don"t know what country he studied in.

A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying

(99)78. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _____ it more difficult.

A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make

(99)79. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door______ "Sorry to miss you; will call later."

A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading

(2000)80. I"ve worked with children before, so I know what______ in my new job.

A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects

(2000)81. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see______ the next year.

A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

(2001)82. ______ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered

(2002)83. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains______ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

(2002)84. It is said in Australia there is more land than the knows ______.

A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it


(2002上海)85. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are striving______ their products more competitive.

A. to make B. making C. to have made D. having made

(2002上海)86. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster_____ if a mirror was broken.

A. was sure of striking B. was sure of having struck

C. was sure to be struck D. was sure to strike

(2002上海)87. Though______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

(2002上海)88. Don"t use words, expressions, or phrases_______ only to people with specific knowledge.

A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known

(2002上海)89. ______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one"s skin.

A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed

(2002春招)90. Prices of daily goods______ through a computer can be lower than store prices.

A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying

(2002上海春招)91. In some parts of London, missing a bus means______ for another hour.

A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting

(2002上海春招)92. When_____, the museum will he open to the public next year.

A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed

(2002北京)93--How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

--The key ______ the problem is to meet the demand _______ by the customers.

A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made

(2002广东)94. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains______ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

(2002广东)95. It is said in Australia there is more land than the knows______.

A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it

(2002广东)96. The research is so designed that once______ nothing can be done to change it.

A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun

(2003全国)97. The teacher asked us______ so much noise.

A. don"t make B. not make C. not making D. not to make

(2003全国)98. ______ time, he"ll make a first-class tennis player.

A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given

(2003上海)99. The discovery of new evidence led to______.

A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief

C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught

(2003上海)100. Generally speaking, ______ according to directions, the drug has no side-effect.

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

(2003上海)101. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered_______ clear warnings before firing any shots.

A. to issue B. being issued C. to have issued D. to be issued

(2003上海)102. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars_______ road conditions need______.

A. that; to be improved B. which; to be improved

C. where; improving D. when; improving

(2003北京春招)103. --Why did you go back to the shop?

--I left my friend______ there.

A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits

(2003北京春招)104. The manager,______ his factory"s products were poor in quality, decided to give his workers further training.

A. knowing B. known C. to know D. being known

(2003北京春招)105. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _______ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see

(2003上海春招)106. Don"t be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.

A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken

(2003上海春招)107. Friendship is like money: easier made than ____.

A. kept B. to be kept C. keeping D. being kept

(2003上海春招)108. ______the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.

A. The president will attend B. The president to attend

C. The president attended D. The president"s attending

(2003上海春招)109. Unless______ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited

(2003上海春招)110. Site will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role______ in making the earth a better place to live.

A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing



3l. CA AAA 36. DABCA 41. DCAAC 46. ADBCC 51. AADCB 56. CACDC








1。区分seat 和sit.seat有一种把人安放的感觉。而sit表示主动坐下。你可以说I was seated on the chair.也可以I sat on the chair.当分词做宾语时,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动。理解了吗?

2。what did the school master want ()to the noisy children?

一个基本动词词组 want to do sth.后面的to表示目的、对象。


The shool master want to do a lot to the moisy children.

3。:()by his expression,he didn't pass the exam

天这个真是。对啊当时真的很疑惑,但是老师也没办法。尽力解释,这里的Judging并不是he的判断,好像是一个来自幕后的自己的判对。是这个幕后的自己从他的表情推断出他没有通过考试。所以在哪里都用Judging.类似的还有Considering 。其他几种你应该懂吧。Seeing from the mountain,I saw a beautiful city.或者Seen from the mountain,the city is beatiful.仔细想,这个see的行使着就是I,所以和上面的不一样咯


5。they 指bike 这里的want和need用法相似。want mending=want to be mend 分词表被动。高考常考的

6。选D 意思是当我回到家,看到门上有张纸条写着:......

reading=which reads 这个地方用法有些特别 像告示牌上写着什么就说It says

7。A。你要弄清题目叫你回答什么。它问你what made her angry.你就应该说什么事情A:being kept waiting 如果题目问Why jerry was angry?那你就应该说 B :Because of waiting了。GOT IT?

8.fail to do 词组搭配 就像你不能问为什么是would like to do 一样

不定式有时表示将来比如I am to go to school。但是你不能否认它在词组中的用法呀。在词组中,用不定式现在分词过去分词和语态有关而不是时态。


因为有词组Fix one's eyes on 造个句 He fixed his eyes on the blackboard.主语是HE 所以eyes 是被动的。将eyes改为主语就成了his eyes were fixed on the blackboard.关于独立主格结构。给你看几句话

<1>.两个单独的句子,有完整的主谓宾。Tom lent me many books.Many of them are about the information technology and communication.

<2>.定语从句:Tom lent me many books,many of which are about the information technology and communication.定语从句中缺少主语,用Which 代替,而谓语宾语都完整

<3>.独立主格结构:Tom lent me many books,many of them about the information technology and communication.后面一句有主语,宾语,但没有谓语,所以可以修饰books。


应该选B bob was the only one i'd have working with me

现在到处问解释 你先看上面吧。

我第一次答这么多 应该有帮助吧

P 最后一题让所有人纠结 可能有些问题 慎重考虑 我去问问老师



高考英语中非谓语动词试题的实用技巧:用作结果状语时,可用现在分词或不定式,其原则区别是:一般要用现在分词,不定式用作结果状语主要用于某些特定旬式中 。 技巧一 用作目的状语.原则上要用不定式

1.When asked why he went there,he said he was sent there — — for a space flight.(2007江西卷)

A.training B.being trained C.to have trained D.to be trained


2.— — this cake,you’11 need 2 eggs,175g sugar and 175g flour. (2006广东卷)

A.Having made B.Make C.To make D.Making


技巧二 用于名词后作定语时,使用非谓语动词的原则是:用不定式,表示动作尚未发生;用现在分词,表示动作正在进行;用过去分词,表示动作已经发生,同时表示被动意义

1.The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.2006四川卷.

A.hold B.holding C.held D.to be held


技巧三 用作伴随状语.原则上要用现在分词

1.As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not— — , and asked myself what 1was going to do. (2007湖南卷)

A.moved B.moving C.to move D.being moved


2.Peter received a letter just nOW — — his grandma would come to see him soon

A.said B.says C.saying D.to say

解析答案选C。此处用现在分词表伴随,又如:A card came yesterday saying Tom willarrive tomorrow.昨天收到的明信片上说,汤姆明天到。Alan received a telegram saying hisfather was il1.埃伦收到一封电报.说是他父亲生病了

3.W henever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly,always— — the same thing. (2006江苏卷)

A.saying B.said C.to say D.having said


4. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, that allchildren like these things.

A.thinking B.think C.to think D.thought


技巧四 用作结果状语时,可用现在分词或不定式,其原则区别是:一般要用现在分词,不定式用作结果状语主要用于某些特定旬式中

1.The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,— — inthe natural light during the day. (2007天津卷)

A.to let B.1etting C.1et D.having let

解析1答案选B。此处用现在分词表示结果。又如:It rained heavily,causing severe 19flooding in that place.大雨滂沱,造成了那个地方洪水泛滥。

2.Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,— — a record us$57.65 a barrel on April 4. 一 (2005山东卷

A.have reached B.reaching C.to reach D.to be reaching

解析答案选B。伴随着谓语动词的发生而产生的自然结果,用现在分词作结果状语。 注:在en0ugh to do sth.,too---to do sth.,0nly t0 do sth.等特定句式中,习惯上要用不定语式表示结果 如:

1.He hun’led to the booking office only— —that al1 the tickets had been sold out.(2006陕西卷)

A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told

解析答案选B。only to do sth.在此表示出人意料的结果。

2.He hurried to the station only that the train had left. 2005广东卷

A.to find B.finding C.found D.to have found

解析答案选A。only to do sth.在此表示出人意料的结果。

技巧五 凡是含有被动意义时.原则上要用过去分词。但是.如果所涉及的动作尚未发生,则用不定式的被动式:如果所涉及的动作正在进行.则用现在分词的被动式

1.The children talked SO loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle — —.(2007浙江卷)A.to be heard B.to have heard C.hearing D.being heard

解析答案选A。根据句意,此处指的是“被听见”,故要用被动式,因此可排除B和c。另. .外。由于“设法被听见”为目的状语,动作在当时尚未发生,故用不定式,即选A。

2.The repairs cost a lot,but it’ money well— —.A.to spend B.spent C.being spent D.spending


3.Five people won the “China’S Green Figure” award,a title — — tofor their contributions to environmental protection.A.being given B.is given C.given D.was given


技巧六 谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语原则上应与主句主语保持一致(2005湖北卷)

1.Faced with a bill for$10,000,— —. (2006陕西卷)A.John has taken an extra iob B.the boss has given John an extra iobC.an extra iob has been taken D.an extra iob has been given to John

解析答案选A。由于(be)faced with的逻辑主语是John,故答案只能选A。

2.W hile watching television,— —. 2005全国卷III

A.the door bell rang B.the doorbell ringsC.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings


技巧七 强调动作发生在主句谓语动作之前时,原则上要用完成式(根据情况可用不定式的完成式或现在分词的完成式)

1. — — from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. (2005湖北卷

A.Being separated B.Having separated C.Having been separated D,To be separated


2.The manager,— — it clear to us that he didn’t agree with US,left the meeting room.f2005江西卷

A.who has madeB.having made C.made D.making

解析答案选B。因为The manager与make之间是主动关系,且make发生在谓语left之前,所以用现在分词的完成式作状语,having made.相当于who had made. 的意思。


l、— — with SO much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time. 2006四川卷)

A.Faced B.Face C.Facing D.To face

解析答案选A。(be)faced with为固定搭配,其意为“面对”,又如:TheY are all facedwith the same problem.他们都面临同样的问题

2、— — in a white uniforln,he looks more like a cook than a doctor. 2005湖南卷)

A.Dressed B.To dress C.Dressing D.Having dressed

解析答案选A。(be)dressed in为固定搭配,其意为“穿着..”,句中的Dressed in.表原因.相当于As he is dressed in. 的意思



1.It remains_____whetherthis teaching method will be better than that one.

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

2.Helen had to shout____above the sound of music.

A .making herself hear B. to make herself hear

C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard

3._______in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.

A Waiting B. to wait

C. having waited D. to have waited

4. The children went home from the grammar school, theirlessons ____ for the day.

A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. went finished.

5.LeonardodaVinci_____ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.

A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought

C. had said to buy D. has said to be bought

6. ________ in 1963, and ________ in Philadelphia, Charles Pettigrew so impressed his teachers that he was sent to Barklee School to study Jazz.

A. Born; raised B. Being born; having raised

C. Was born; was raised D. Born; raising

7. ?Who would you like to see at the moment?

?The man ________ Mr. Grant.

A. called himself B. we call him C. calling himself D. is called

8. ________ in an atmosphere of simple life was what her parents wished for.

A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated

C. The girl's being educated D. The girl to be educated

9. We should put away all medicines out of reach of children and make sure they are not left ________.

A. lie round B. laying around C. lain round D. lying around

10. There are many old trees in our school, each ________ about 100 years ago.

A. dates back to B. dating from C. dated back D. which dated to

11. The professor ________ you at the party was my tutor (导师).

A. making himself knowing B. making him known for

C. making himself known to D. makes he known to

12. ________ blood if you can and many lives ________ be saved.

A. To give, may B. Give, will C. Giving, can D. Given, must

13. The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair___________.

A. flowed in the breeze B. was flowing in the breeze

C. were flowing in the breeze D. flowing in the breeze

14. _____around Tian'anmen Square, the tourists were taken to visit the Palace Museum.

A. Showing B. Having shown C. Being shown D. Having been shown

15. If a solution ________ the rivers against pollution is found, then our living surroundings will be improved.

A. to protect B. protecting C. to protecting D. protect

16. ________ untidy, his bedroom needs doing out.

A. Look B. Looking C. Looked D. To look

17. He could feel the earth ________ at that time and his hands ________ cold.

A. to move, was felt B. moved, was feeling C. moving, felt D. was moved, was felt

18. What would you rather ________, the door or the roof of the house?

A. get repaired B. to get repaired C. to have repaired D. make repair

19. ________ like a great idea, what he said was accepted by all present immediately.

A. Sounded B. Sounds C. To sound D. Sounding

20. ________ their inexperience, they've done a good job.

A. Giving B. To give C. Give D. Given

21. ?What's the population of your city?

?About four million people. It seems small ________ to Beijing.

A. compared B. to compare C. comparing D. being compared

22. Not having finished their jobs, ________ to leave the company.

A. the boss forbade them B. they were forbidden

C. so they were forbidden D. and they preferred

23. With many important affairs considered ________, the manager decided to hold a meeting to discuss about them.

A. to solve B. being solved C. solving D. solved

24. ?Would you please join us in this computer game?

?Thank you, but I'd rather ________.

A. not to B. not join C. not do D. not

25. ________ to give up smoking, he threw away his ________ cigarettes.

A. Determined; remained B. Determined; remaining

C. Determining; remained D. Determining; remaining

26. ________ in a heavy traffic jam in a taxi while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.

A. Having caught B. Being caught C. Caught D. Having been caught

27. The young man we followed stopped and looked as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing B. to have seen C. having seen D. to see

28. Thank you for the great trouble you've had ________ me with my computer work.

A. helping B. to help C. with helping D. for helping

29. The houses ________ by the first company will be completed by the end of this year.

A. being built B. built C. to be building D. to build

30. ________ by what everyone says about him, he has a good chance of winning.

A. Judged B. To Judge C. Having Judged D. Judging


1. Bit 作形式主语,remain 后跟to do sth. 作表语。See与主语从句是动宾关系,所以用to be seen。

2. D herself与hear之间构成动宾关系,所以用过去分词昨make 的宾语补足语,用不定式表示目的状语。

3. C这是现在分词作状语表时间,可以排除BD 选项。A项waiting是现在分词的一般式,所表示的动作往往和主句谓语动词的动作同时发生。C项having waited 所表示的动作往往已经发生或先于主句谓语动词发生

4. B那天的课程一结束,孩子们纷纷从那所语法学校回到家里。逗号不能链接2个句子.当2个句子表示并列时需要并列连词,所以排除CD。由于没有连词课判断逗号后是独立主格结构。Lessons与动词finish之间是动宾关系,故排除A。

5. B据说达芬奇常买一些被关在笼子里的鸟去享受放飞他们的乐趣。根据句意课排除CD两项,在AB两项的选择中课考虑buy发生在said之前。因此应用sb.is said to have done结构,而 sb,is said to be doing表示据说某人正在做某事,故排除A项。

6. A Charles Pettigrew?被生下来和被抚养?。

7. C The man与call是主动关系,用现在分词作定语?自称Mr. Grant的那个人?。

8. C动名词的复合结构作主语。

9. D由句意判断用表示?位于?的不及物动词lie,用现在分词作主补。

10. B date from是不及物的,用现在分词,each dating from?相当于and each (tree) dates from?

11. C因The professor与make是主动关系,用现在分词;使自己被别人了解,know用过去分词。make oneself k nown to sb. =introduce oneself to sb.

12. B这是?祈使句+and+陈述句?句型。

13. D her long hair与flowing是主动关系,这是?独立主格结构?作状语。

14. D the tourists与show是被动关系,show发生在谓语之前,用完成式。

15. C sullution / way to的to是介词,后接动名词。

16. B look是系动词,属不及物动词,用现在分词用状语,Looking untidy,? = As his bedroom looks untidy,?

17. C第一空是feel sb. / sth. doing (感觉到?在做?);第二空后是cold,可知feel是系动词,没有被动语态,与前面的felt并列,也用一般过去式。

18. A would rather直接接动词原形;get sth. done=have sth. done请人做。

19. D Sounding like?=As what he said sounded like?

20 D Given用作介词,意为?考虑到?。

21. A表示?与?比起来?用compared with,这是固定搭配。

22. B Not having finished their jobs的逻辑主语应当为they,意义才通。

23. A ?有难题要解决?用不定式作定语;其中considered也是作定语的。

24. D不定式的省略,I'd rather not=I'd rather not join you?

25. B Determined to give up smoking=As he was determined to give up smoking; remain是不及物动词,只能用现在分词作定语,表示?剩下的?。

26. B动名词短语作主语,主句谓语是is quite an unpleasant experience。

27. D发生在谓语之后,用不定式:as if to see?=as if he was to see?

28. A 因have trouble (in) doing sth. 是固定句型。

29. A由will可知,这些房子正在被建,用being built作定语。

30. D因为judging from是固定的独立结构




The old man devoted all his money to this school ,enabling these students to have a better study environment.


例如The students entered the classroom, following the teacher.



the teacher entered the classroom, followed by the students. 被跟着

in order to, to do sth。 so as to do sth. 都表示目的


The old man devoted all his money to this school to enable/ in order to enable / so as to enable these students to have a better study environment.


In order to enable/ To enable these students to have a better study environment, the old man devoted all his money to this school . (so as to只能放句中)

ing形式貌似没有表示目的的。。。 除非这种目的伴随状语吧

to do sth. 和doing sth.一般是在这些方面转换

总的来说,to do sth.是动词的不定式,doing sth.是动名词形式


it is adj. to do sth./ doing sth. 不定式/动名词作为真正主语,it是形式主语

to do sth./ doing sth. is adj. 不定式/ 动名词作主语

sb. like to do sth./ doing sth. 不定式/动名词作宾语


如只有feel like doing sth. 想做某事

还有那些 regret to do, regret doing sth

remember/ forget to do . remember/forget doing sth. 这种意思完全不一样的



1.( )in this way,the situation dosen't seem so disappointing.

A To look

B Looking at

C Looked at

D To be looked at

答案 C



在本句中look at与situation之间的关系是被动的,因此要选用过去分词短语looked at.


If it(the situation) is looked in this way,the situation dosen't seem so disappointing.你看看是不是被动关系?

2.( )of the burden of ice,the balloon climbed up and drifted to the south.

A To be free

B Freeing

C To free

D Freed

这一句选D,道理和上一句是一样的。只是free这个词有一些特殊,在这句话中free是一个及物动词,他的意思是“使。。。摆脱。。。,使。。。没有。。。”它的基本结构是:free A of B--使A没有B,使A摆脱了B.

这里的A就是the balloon ,这里的B就是the burden of ice




1. 答案:B.

2. 翻译:为大自然之美所吸引,那个女孩子决定在农场再呆上两天。

3. 解释:




D其实也是表示主动关系的现在分词attracting,只是使用了它的完成式。如果表被动关系,其完成式是:having been attracted.


5) 其实,“被吸引”的同时也就“决定...”,两个动词之间应该是同时发生的,不必使用完成式:having been attracted,直接使用过去分词attracted就可以了。

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