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tamoadmin 2024-05-21 人已围观



首先that可以引导两种从句:名词性从句和定语从句名词性从句中that不做从句成分,后面接一个完整的句子,只起引导作用;定语从句中,that要做从句中的成分并且引导整个句子。名词性从句,包括主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句和同位语从句。只有当that引导宾语从句并且只有一个宾语从句的情况下可以省略,如果这个that引导两个宾语从句那么第二个的that就不可以省略。例如:我知道你在这里,我也知道你不会离开。i know (that) you are here and that you will not leave.第二个that如果省去的话就会影响句意和句子结构。定语从句中,that指代所修饰的名词在定语从句中做宾语的话,就可以省略。



1.引导非限定性定语从句时,只能用 which(不用that)。例如(MET91):

She heard the terrible noise ,____ brought her heart into her mouth.

A.it B.which C.this D.that

答案是B,which指代前面的先行词 noise,引导非限定性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。


Dorothy was always spe aking highly of her role in the play,____ ,of course , made the others unhappy.

A.who B.which C.this D.what(Key:B)

3.除which外,还可用when,where , who(m)等关系代、副词引导非限定性定语从句。例如:

Finally I decided to stay in Chong qing, where I finished my college study.


He was eager to go to the hospital to see his stepmother,whom he loved as his own mother.


____ is known to all,China will be an ____ and powerful country in 20 or 30 years'time .

A.That;advancing B.This ;advanced C.As;advanced D.It;advancing

答案是C。但是当非限定性定语从句是否定意义时,只能用which引导。例如(NM ET94):

The weather turned out to be very good,was more than we could expect.

A.what B.which C.that D.if

答案是B,句中的more than的本意为“超过”,“超过了我的预料”即为“我没有预料到”。这里不能用as代替which。


After living in Paris for 50years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.

A.which B.where C.that D.when

答案是B,因为表地点的先行词the small town在从句中作状语;当表地点的先行词在从句中作主、宾、表语时,则要用that或which引导定语从句。例如:

①I visited the country which /that had been bombed by the US-led NATO(美国为首的北约)a month before .

②I shall never forget the years ____ I lived in the countryside with the farmers ,____ has a great effect on my life .(上海高考题94)

A.that;which B.when;which C.which;that D.when;who(Ke y:B)

③I'll never forget the ye ars that /which I spent with my cousin in Australia.

先行词the years在第②句中作时间状语,在第③句中作spe nt的宾语,此时引导词 that /which可省略。

三、“介词+关系代词(which /whom)”引导的定语从句。例如(上海高考题95):

In the office I neve r seem to have time until after 5:30 pm ____ ,many people have gone home .

A.whose time B.that C.on which D.by which time

答案是D,by which time即by“after 5:30”“到五点三十分以后”。介词的选择,取决于这个介词与先行词或从句之间的关系。又如:

Lei Feng ,from whom we have once learned a lot,is now an example to the soldiers of West Point Military School(西点军校)of America.

关系代词前的介词from,与从句的谓语动词le arn构成习惯表达le arn from(向……学习)。


He made another wonderful discovery,____ of great importance to science .

A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think is


五、“介词+whom”引导的定语从句与 who /whom引导的宾语从句作介词宾语时的区别。试比较:

It was a matter of ____ would take the position.(上海高考题96)

A.who B.whoever C.whom D.whomever

Kennedy and Johnson,both of were murde red in their terms,once coworked as president and vice -president.

A.who B.whoever C.whom D.whomever

答案分别为A和C。前者是宾语从句, who引导的整个宾语从句作介词of的宾语,同时who在从句中作主语,所以不能用 whom引导。后者是定语从句,whom作介词 of的宾语(所以不能用who引导),构成介、宾结构,作both的定语,而both才是定语从句的主语。


The Oscar is the only one of the film prizes ____ offered to any Chinese actor or actress by far.

The Oscar is one of the film prizes ____ offered to any Chinese actor or actress by far.

A.which is on B.that have not been C.that has not D.that has not been

答案分别是D和B。前一例的先行词是 the only one,且指代它的引导词在从句中作主语,故从句的谓语动词必须用单数;又因先行词one被only修饰,所以只能用that引导。当one没有被the only或the very等修饰时,则介词of后面的the film prize s是先行词,从句中的谓语动词就必须用复数,而且引导词既可用that也可用which(第二例)。总之,当引导词在句子中作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式应该与该主语保持一致。 宾语从句在剧中作及物动词或介词的宾语。引导宾语从句的连接词that, whether, if,代词who, whose, what, which, 副词when, where, how, why等。1. 作动词的宾语u 由that 引导的宾语从句(that通常可以省略)如:I heard that he joined the army. u 由what, whether, if 引导的宾语从句She didn’t know what had happened.I wonder whether you can change this note for me.u 动词+间接宾语+宾语从句She told me that she would accept my invitation.2. 作介词的宾语Our success depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another. 3. 作形容词的宾语I’m afraid that I’ve made a mistake. that 引导的从句场跟在下列形容词后作宾语:anxious, aware, certain, confident, convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried, sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, hurt, satisfied, contend等4. It 作为形式宾语We heard it that she would get married next month. I think it necessary that we ask for our teacher’s advice on how to do this project. 5. 否定转移I don’t think this dress fits you well. 我认为这件衣服不合适你穿。6.在表示“命令、建议、请求”等动词,(suggest, recommend, insist, request等)后的宾语从句,要用虚拟语气,即should+ 动词原形。He suggested that we (should) make a decision as early as possible.

文章标签: # 从句 # that # 宾语