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简介1.2015年高三课标第三十七期英语周报答案2.精选高考英语语法填空真题(10篇)3.高三英语周报课标2015-2016第十期第一版答案,谢谢!!4.2015年湖南高考英语作文精选范文5.2015-2016学年 高三英语周报第六期modules 1-2答案高三英语周报外研2015-2016第26期答案及解析高三英语上学期期末综合能力评估试题(二)参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BACAB





5.2015-2016学年 高三英语周报第六期modules 1-2答案







11-15 CACAB 16-20ACACB

21-25 DADAC 26-30BBCAB

31-35 DDADD 36-40EBDFG

41-45 CBAAD 46-50BDDAB

51-55 ACBDD 56-60CABAA

61. successful 62. was sent

63. leaving 64.that

65. exhausted 66. so

67. Without 68.suddenly

69. the 70.have left


71. A day I came ... A → One

72. ... way to home. 去掉to

73. While walked in ... walked → walking

74. He accidental dropped ...

accidental → accidentally

75. ... didn't know that ...

that→ if / whether

76. ... should keep them. them → it

77. ... I will like the money ... will → would

78. ... giving back to ... giving → given

79. ... but gave him ... but → and

80. ... praised me what ... me后加for

One possible version:

Dear Mr. Smith,

I'm writing to express my warmest thanks toyour son, David. He offered me great help with my English learning while he wasstudying in China.

I've sent several e-mails after hisreturning to America.However, I haven't got any reply so far. It's possible that I've got a wronge-mail address. It has been a long time since I saw him. I wonder if he ishaving a good time. Can you do me a favor and help me get in touch with him?

With the Spring Festival drawing near, I'dlike to invite him to travel in China.I can act as his tour guide.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua





21. D。推理判断题。由第三段中的They knew that ... the fewer chemicals the farmers had to use可推断,这两名学生此前就知道瓢虫有益于人类。

22. A。推理判断题。由第四段末的couldn't believe their eyes. North Dakota did not have a stateinsect可推断,孩子们看到州虫列表时很惊讶——北达科他州居然没有州虫。

23. D。细节理解题。由第五段中的This ladybug was of great benefit to their farming state and itdeserved a place of honor可知,他们之所以选该种瓢虫作为州虫是因为这种瓢虫对该州的农业很有好处。

24. A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的Believe in your dreams及But make sure you are ready to do work to back them up可知,这两名学生鼓励孩子们为梦想而努力。



25. C。篇章结构题。由第二段开头的But are they kidding themselves ... as good for us?及下文的研究可推断,划线词指代人们是否必须做高强度的运动才能受益。

26. B。细节理解题。由第四段末的These women were walking slowly, and could easily carry on aconversation可知。

27. B。细节理解题。由第五段中的their pants fit differently. It's because they have less belly fat... 可知。

28. C。推理判断题。由最后两段可知,研究的参与者通过步行不仅减掉了腹部脂肪,而且精神更健康,精力更充沛。故C项正确。



29. A。词义猜测题。由下文那位女士做手势、讲话、翻译的情节及段末的that moment of confusion可推断,那位女士的表现很奇怪。

30. B。段落大意题。由第二段中的how movements are tied to speech及gesture is so tightly bound to language that以及所举例子可推断,本段主要是说手势和语言是紧密联系的。

31. D。细节理解题。由第三段末的while gesturing that the glass is wider ... both dimensions areimportant可知,通过孩子们的手势可以知道他们能够意识到玻璃容器宽度的重要性。

32. D。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,被鼓励做手势的孩子表达能力会比较强;成年人做手势可以帮助思考进而解决问题。据此可推断,做手势帮助人们更有效地思考和表达。



33. A。推理判断题。由第二段中的who bumped fists instead of shaking hands to avoid catching colds可推断,Stan Musial击拳是为了代替握手,而握手通常表示问候。

34. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的When teammate Dusty Baker hit his 30th home run ... Burke couldn't containhis excitement. As Baker crossed home plate, Burke excitedly threw his arm inthe air可知,Glenn Burke挥起胳膊是因为他为队友的成功感到高兴。

35. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的her ‘brightsayings’ were notoriginal by ... Her fingers were her ‘quotation marks’可推断,人们说话时使用手势引号就像在书面文字中使用双引号一样,是为了表示引用。




36. E。E项是上文scientistsdon't know much about this tiny creature的原因,并与下文的In fact, it had been more than 20 years since anyone had seen an Ilipika相呼应。

37. B。B项与上文的combedthe mountains looking for the animals及下文的They found it ... 相呼应。

38. D。由下文的When researchers ... it was indeed a new species可推断,当Li于1983年首次发现这种动物时,他和当地人都不知道这是什么动物。

39. F。F项与上文的This tinyspecies could be extinct anytime相呼应。

40. G。G项与下文的create awildlife reserve to help protect Ili pikas相呼应。




41. C。由上文的be a child prodigy可知,神童比身边每个人都“聪明(smarter)”。

42. B。由下文的because you don't have to work in school可推断,神童令朋友们“嫉妒(envious)”,因为神童在学校不必学习。

43. A。神童的父母“从不(never)”抱怨他们的学业。

44. A。45. D。由下文的Manychild prodigies have lonely ... childhoods可推断,“不幸的是(Unfortunately)”,上面关于当神童很好的说法是“不正确的(incorrect)”。

46. B。由上文的lonely可知,很多神童在童年时代“没有朋友(friendless)”。

47. D。由下文的Even a very young prodigy ... level of a young ... 可推断,神童的智力年龄、社会年龄、情绪年龄和生理年龄“截然不同(different)”。

48. D。即使是一个很年轻的天才也可能有成年人的“智力(intelligence)”。

49. A。神童的社会和情绪年龄仍然处于“小孩(child)”的水平。

50. B。研究“表明(shows)”朋友之间认为彼此相似。

51. A。上述研究结果“意味着(means)”一对朋友喜欢相同的活动。

52. C。一对朋友的言谈举止“相似(similar)”。

53. B。神童找不到和他们相似的人,“因此(so)”,他们会感到孤独。

54. D。由下文的about his interest可推断,Ian热爱恐龙。故选crazy。

55. D。由上文的Many children of all ages also like dinosaurs和However一词的转折可推断,Ian“很少(rarely)”能找到可以和他谈论恐龙的人。

56. C。其他孩子不认为Ian所了解的知识“有趣(interesting)”。

57. A。he keeps correcting them是they often don't like him的原因,故选because。

58. B。上文提到了解恐龙的孩子们太少,所以Ian只能和“知识渊博的(knowledgeable)”成年人谈论恐龙。

59. A。Ian和成年人的社会和情绪年龄不同;他“仍然(still)”是个孩子。

60. A。由上文可知,Ian和同龄人没有共同爱好,和成年人又属于不同的社会年龄层次,所以没有人真正在同一水平上“分享(shares)”他的兴趣。


61. successful。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语且意为“成功的”,故填successful。

62. was sent。考查一般过去时的被动语态。由语境可知send所表示的动作发生在过去,且father与send之间是被动关系,故填was sent。

63. leaving。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后需跟动词-ing形式作宾语,且he与leave之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填leaving。

64. that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰all,且在从句中作did的宾语,故填that。

65. exhausted。考查过去分词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰名词woman,且意为“疲惫不堪的”,故填exhausted。

66. so。考查副词。so ... that ...是固定句型,意为“如此……以致于……”。

67. Without。考查介词。由wouldn't have found可知,本句是含蓄条件句,故填Without。

68. suddenly。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰动词remembered,故填suddenly。

69. the。考查定冠词。what's the matter是固定表达,意为“出了什么事”。

70. have left。考查现在完成时。由语境可知,设空处是对已经发生的情况的描述,强调对现在造成的影响,故填have left。



16. 句意:他拥有一个农场,这个农场看起来都快废弃了。a #cooco.net.cn答案Net搜索g


17. 句意:幸运的是,他还有一头奶牛,每天都能产奶。luckily副词,幸运的是。根据文意可知,Johnson先生的农场很破旧,都快要废弃了。但是还有奶牛每天都产奶,能让他维持生存,所以这是一件幸运的事。这里用副词形式修饰整个句子

18. 句意:他去附近的镇里卖牛奶,或是用牛奶来换其他的食物。本句话中exchange 的意思是交换,根据句意可知,Johnson先生用牛奶来换其他的食物。这里是用短语exchange…for…,故填介词for。

19. 句意:他去附近的镇里卖牛奶,或是用牛奶来换其他的食物,用剩下的牛奶制作奶酪和黄油。leave离开;剩下,留下。根据文意可知,Johnson先生一家靠农场里的奶牛产奶来生活。除去卖掉的和换其他食物的牛奶,剩下的他就用来制作奶酪和黄油。这里what was left是一个宾语从句,根据句意可知用被动语态。

20. 句意:一天,奶牛正在吃草,这时突然开始下起大雨。when是并列连词,意思是正在这时。这句话使用的句型是be doing sth. when…,正在做某事这时…。

21. 句意:在慌忙逃跑的时候,奶牛摔下了山死了。fall摔倒,掉下来,根据文意可知,这篇短文使用的是一般过去时态,故这里填过去式fell。

22. 句意:牛奶死了,Johnson先生不得不继续生活。with和…一起。根据文意可知,牛奶在慌忙躲雨的时候,不小心摔死了,因此Johnson先生就不得不没有了奶牛来生活。故填without。

23. 句意:因为这些药草和蔬菜需要花费时间来生长,Johnson先生就开始砍树来卖木头。sell卖,销售。根据文意可知,Johnson先生一边种植药草和蔬菜,一边砍树去卖掉木柴。这里用动词不定式形式在句中做目的状语。

24. 句意:丰收的时候,他已经在人们定期赶集的市场上去卖药草、蔬菜和棉花了。where在这里引导的是一个定语从句,修饰先行词the market。

25. 句意:现在看来好像他的农场是非常有潜能的,奶牛的死也似乎给他带来了好运气。It occurred to sb. that…某人突然发现…,这是一个固定的句型,因为这篇短文讲述的是Johnson先生,故填him。






A 1-5 ADCBC B 6-9 BBDB

C 10-14 DABDB




1. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的I know that boiling rivers exist — but they're always near volcanoes可知答案。

2. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的the Yacumama ... at the origin of the heated water可知答案。

3. C。推理判断题。根据第三段中的A friend at the nearest village had told me, “Use your feet like eyes.” You can't see heat, but you can feel it when you step near it可推测,作者穿凉鞋是为了用脚感觉热度。

4. B。细节理解题。根据第四、五段的描述可知,作者当时不仅由于水雾看不清周围的情况,而且还面临被沸腾的河水烫伤,甚至烫死的危险。再根据最后一段中的for a matter of minutes, it thinned the line between researching and being boiled alive可知,作者当时面临失去生命的危险。

5. C。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了作者在超过沸点的一段河流旁经历生死一线间的遭遇。C项一语双关,作标题贴切。



6. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的They remembered things from the past ... by making works of art可知答案。

7. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的To remember their ancestors and to honor the powers of Chiwara ... and performed a dance like leaping antelopes可知答案。

8. D。段落大意题。根据最后一段中的first, Next, then, When, After等词我们不难推断,这段主要介绍了制作雕像的步骤。

9. B。推理判断题。联系文章内容可知,Mali和Ife都地处非洲,因此本文介绍的两种艺术都属于非洲艺术。



10. D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的Is one pack better than another ... all reported to be hot sellers可推测,这些实验是为了比较一些热销的背包。

11. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的But they quickly made it clear that they preferred a traditional backpack to the messenger bag with the design of a single strap可知,比起双肩包来,孩子们不是很喜欢单肩包的单肩带设计。

12. B。细节理解题。根据表格上面一段中的The Kelty Gemini has many different uses and is only $35. It's a CR Best Buy可知答案。

13. D。细节理解题。根据表格内容可知,与L.L. Bean Jet Stream相比,Eastpak Compadre在设计上略逊一筹,但是防水性更好。两者价格不同,但是在耐用性方面表现都一样好。

14. B。细节理解题。根据表格上面一段中的The Timbuk2 El Ocho ... lacks a backpack's variety of features, which lowered its score in the ratings及表格中Timbuk2 El Ocho各项指标的得分情况看,形式单一是导致它排名最后的原因。



A 1-4 DADC B 5-9 BDACB

C 10-14 CCABB




1. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Her stylish clothes and milky skin did not pass unnoticed among the town's ladies可知答案。

2. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的She was the first self-made female millionaire可知答案。

3. D。细节理解题。根据Elizabeth Arden部分中的Borrowing $6,000 from her brother, she used the shop space to open her first salon on 5th Avenue in 1910可知答案。

4. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中Arden所说的You're as old as you feel及she improved her own image of ageless beauty by successfully hiding her age, which was not discovered until her death可推测,Arden认为人们觉得自己有多大,看起来就会有多大。她身体力行,坚持优雅终生,所以说年龄并不能阻止人们保持美丽。



5. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Once I wanted to get my rent reduced以及接下来描述想要房东降低房租看起来希望渺茫可知,作者面临的主要问题是:他租住的房子租约即将到期,他想续租,但是希望房租能降低一些。

6. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的I didn't begin talking about how high the rent was. I began talking about how much I liked his apartment house可知答案。

7. A。推理判断题。根据第三段可知,房东以前从没遇到过像作者这样的房客,再结合“What a pleasure it is,” he said, “to have a satisfied tenant like you.”可以判断,房东的反应应该是“既吃惊又满意”。

8. C。推理判断题。根据第一段可知,作者正在学习有关人际交往的课程,再结合第二、三段他的具体表现可以判断他很擅长待人接物。

9. B。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了作者跟房东交涉降低房租的故事,他成功的关键在于真诚的赞美。最后一段是本文的主题段。



10. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的The clean air enters our GENius heat exchanger system where the water is removed from the air可知,这个系统可以用来从空气中提取水。

11. C。篇章结构题。结合语境可知本句讲的是:收集来的水穿过过滤系统,去掉可能的化学和细菌污染物。所以it指的是the collected water。

12. A。细节理解题。根据第五段中的more energy efficient及倒数第三段中的Kohavi says it uses $0.02 worth of electricity to produce a liter of water, as opposed to $0.2 for a liter of bottled water可知,Water-Gen公司的大气水生成器具有节省能源的优势。

13. B。细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的it uses $0.02 worth of electricity to produce a liter of water可知,生产1升水需要0.02美元,那么生产500升水需要10美元。

14. B。段落大意题。文章倒数第二段说这项技术可以造福普通百姓,最后一段解释了具体怎样让普通百姓受益,所以最后两段主要是讲这项技术的实际用途。



A 1-5 BAACD B 6-9 CDBD

C 10-14 ACABD



本文是记叙文。F. Gale Connor新买的汽车接二连三地出问题,他既没有跟销售方大吵大闹,也没有争辩和理论,而是通过温和友好的方式解决了问题。

1. B。推理判断题。根据文章首句中的The use of gentleness and friendliness可知,作者引用林肯这句名言是为了强调人际交往中温和与友好的重要性。

2. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的F. Gale Connor of Lutherville ... had to take his four-month-old car to the service department of the car dealer for the third time可知答案。

3. A。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,F. Gale Connor先生既没有跟销售方大吵大闹,也没有争辩和理论,而是通过温和友好的方式解决了问题,因此A项正确。

4. C。词义猜测题。根据第二段语境可知,F. Gale Connor先生是通过朋友的推荐来这家车行买车的,由此可知,这家车行有着很好的声誉,因此F. Gale Connor先生善意地提醒对方:目前的这一事件如果处理不好,有可能会“玷污”他们的声誉。

5. D。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句Not only did he personally get involved, but he also lent me his car to use while mine was being repaired可知,车行负责人White先生不但亲自参与到这件事中,而且还把自己的汽车借给了F. Gale Connor,由此判断在此事上,他还是帮了不少忙。



6. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Rabbit Hole” ... becoming a top attraction for tourists可知答案。

7. D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的Escape games take advantage of Budapest's many shabby basements and old houses可知,布达佩斯有很多破旧的地下室和房屋,为密室的建立提供了得天独厚的条件。

8. B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Visitors can recover with some free food and drink after their escape可知答案。

9. D。推理判断题。根据本句中的with these many competitors可知,经营密室逃脱游戏的人越来越多,竞争越来越激烈,由此可推断,密室逃脱游戏的繁荣期已过,不能再像以前一样盈利丰厚。



10. A。写作目的题。作者通过她和丈夫的一次争论引出了本文的论题:在照顾孩子的问题上,男性和女性存在着巨大的差异。

11. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的In Sweden ... men use about 20 percent of the 480-day benefit可知答案。

12. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Men have more than doubled the time they spend on childcare since 1985可知答案。

13. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Notably in the study, the parenting activity that gave men the most pleasure (and women, too) was playing and talking with their kids可知答案。

14. D。作者态度题。根据文章末尾的the issue is ... that men, for all their progress as fathers, are still missing out可知,作者认为虽然男性在照顾孩子方面有了很大的进步,但是他们仍然做得不够好。由此可以推断,作者对于男性在照顾孩子方面的表现不是很满意。


 语法是语言的骨架,为了帮助考生们熟练掌握语法,下面我为大家搜索整理了关于 高考 英语语法填空真题(10篇),欢迎参考练习,希望对大家备考有所帮助!想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们应届毕业生培训网!

 Passage 1 (2015?新课标全国Ⅰ)



 It was raining lightly when I __1__ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours __2__,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with __3__ (it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.

 I'd skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River __4__ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese __5__ (painting).Instead,I'd headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away __6__ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.

 Yangshuo __7__ (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers __8__ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it __9__ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people __10__ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.




 答案 arrived


 答案 before/earlier


 答案 its

 4.解析:考查定语从句关系代词的用法。由句子结构不难判断这是一个定语从句。先行词为指物的mountain tops and dark waters,关系词在从句中作主语,因此答案为that/ which。

 答案 that/ which

 5.解析:考查名词的复数。?so many+复数名词?为一常用短语。

 答案 paintings


 答案 by


 答案 is

 8.解析:考查过去分词短语作后置定语的用法。study与conduct之间为动宾关系,故用表示被动的过去分词形式。此外,by是解题的关键词,conducted by...意为?由?所做的?。

 答案 conducted


 答案 regularly


 答案 living

 Passage 2 (2015?新课标全国Ⅱ)


 The adobe dwellings(土坯房)__1__(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even __2__ most modern of architects and engineers.In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their __3__(able) to ?air condition?a house without __4__(use)electric equipment.Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat __5__(slow)during cool nights,thus warming the house.When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough __6__ (cool) the house during the hot day:__7__ the same time,they warm up again for the night.This cycle __8__ (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures.As__9__(nature) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly__10__thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.


 相比现代化的建筑,简陋的土坯房可谓丑陋不堪。但当代的 建筑师 却对其情有独钟。短文主要介绍了土坯房能够调节温度的原理。


 答案 built


 答案 the


 答案 ability


 答案 using

 5.解析:考查副词的用法。由土坯制成的墙壁在炎热的白天吸收太阳的热量并在凉爽的夜间慢慢将热量释放出来。修饰谓语动词give out,因此要用副词形式。

 答案 slowly


 答案 to cool

 7.解析:考查固定短语的用法。at the same time意为?同时?,是一个常用介词短语。

 答案 at


 答案 goes


 答案 natural


 答案 how

 Passage 3 (2015?福建)


 Sometimes we have disagreements with people.When this (1)h_____, the important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated argument.Here (2)_____ my tips for you.

 The (3)f_____ thing I would say is that the way you begin the conversation is very important.

 Imagine you are a student and you share a flat (4)_____ another student who you think isn't doing her share of the housework.If you say, ?Look, you never do your share of the housework.(5) _____ are you going to do about it?, the discussion will very soon turn into an argument.It's much more (6)_____ (有帮助)to say something like, ?I think we had (7)b_____ have another look about how we divide up the housework.Maybe there is a better way of dealing with it.?

 My second piece of (8)a_____ is simple.If you're the person who is in the wrong, just admit it! This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument.Just make an (9)_____ (道歉), and move on.The other person will have more respect for you (10)_____ the future if you do that.


 1.happens 2.are 3.first 4.with 5.What 6.helpful/beneficial 7.better 8.advice 9.apology 10.in

 Passage 4 (2015?湖南)

 Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

 Research has become both simpler and more complex. It's simpler because, __1__ you have a computer, you can find information you need by searching the Internet. For all your information, you don't have to go to __2__ library to find the relevant resource and take notes on it. Instead, you can find some sources from the Internet __3__ print the copies needed.Remember, however, that you should usually consult different types of sources. That is, you __4__ always rely just on the Internet for your research.

 While finding information is easier than ever, at the same time, researching has become __5__ complex. There is a lot more material available, which means you may be overwhelmed __6__ the amount of information. You need to learn __7__ to sort through and find the relevant information for your particular project. Also, __8__need to check the accuracy of it.




 答案 if

 2.解析:考查冠词。go to the library去图书馆;in the library 在图书馆。

 答案 the

 3.解析:考查连词。and 连接并列谓语find和print。

 答案 and


 答案 shouldn't

 5.解析:考查形容词比较级。参见上文第一句more complex。

 答案 more

 6.解析:考查介词。be overwhelmed with 面临,陷入。

 答案 with

 7.解析:考查疑问词。根据句意,你需要学习如何分类并找到特定任务的相关信息。how to do 是含有疑问词的不定式,在此处作宾语。

 答案 how

 8.解析:考查代词。参见上文You need to learn how to sort throug...

 答案 you



Book 4 Units 2-3




11-15 BBCBA 16-20BBAAC

21-25 BDBDC 26-30BCADD

31-35 AADCD 36-40AEDCF

41-45 CAABD 46-50BDCBA

51-55 ADBCA 56-60DDCBB

61. fatter 62. annoyed

63. a 64.for

65. eating 66.which

67. gives 68. really

69. myself 70.to lose


71. ... a minute I came ... a → the

72. ... in this afternoon. 去掉in

73. ... first thing came into ...


74. ... return them to ... them → it

75. ... I have no idea ... have → had

76. Whatever I did ...

Whatever → What

77. ... the possibly owner ...

possibly → possible

78. ... one of my classmate ...

classmate → classmates

79. ... for I gave it ... for→ so / and

80. ... thank you very ... very → too

One possible version:

Recently, our class had a heated discussionabout whether the game bridge should be listed as an optional course in highschool.

Some are in favour of the idea. They sayplaying bridge can develop a taste for cards and broaden their horizons.Meanwhile, it is good for team spirit. However, others are against it. They saythe rules of bridge are so complex that they will be too much of a burden forstudents. What's worse, sitting for a long time when playing is bad for one'shealth.

In my opinion, interest is the bestteacher. Bridge can be listed as an optional course in high school as long asthere are students who are interested in it.





21. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的Smiley quickly bonded with ... Tyler.“Tyler was socrazy and happy-go-lucky and Smiley became just like him,”可推断,Smiley的个性变化是因为受疯狂且无忧无虑的Tyler的影响。

22. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的The staff had never seen Teddy smile before及Teddy smiled when he saw Smiley可知,员工们之所以惊讶是因为他们看到从来不笑的Teddy在看到Smiley后竟然笑了。

23. B。词义猜测题。由上文的I told her not to be his eyes及下文的it's key for Smiley to figure out how to get around on his own可推断,George对于领养盲犬的主要建议是不要主宰它们的生活,要培养它们独立生存的能力,也就是不要过度保护盲犬。故B项正确。

24. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的he walks very carefully及He's feeling with his feet可推断,Smiley走路时把脚抬高是小心走路以防碰撞的表现。



25. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的But when the owners cannot be found or the bags are not claimed,they are sold to a store ... 可知,若找不到行李主人或者行李无人认领,那么行李将被出售。

26. B。推理判断题。由第三段中Tom Barnes说的话“我会去很多大型购物中心,像国际购物中心那样的购物场所。我可能在里面逛上一个小时,但是只买到三件物品。我来这家商店购物,买的东西能把我的车塞满”可以推断,他很喜欢在这家商店购物。

27. C。推理判断题。由最后两段内容可知,有人说销售这些丢失的物品对行李主人来说是不公平的,但Daniel Martin并不这么认为。他觉得航空公司会尽力找到丢失这些东西的人。如果航空公司已经尽力但是找不到失主的话,与其将其丢掉或者让这些行李在仓库里腐烂掉,还不如卖了。由此可知,Daniel Martin认为航空公司的这一做法是可以接受的。

28. A。标题归纳题。文章就“丢失的航空行李所向何处”这一问题进行了介绍。首段末句为主题句。



29. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的to spend more time with my family ... to enjoy life at home andabroad with his wife可知,Pichette辞职是因为他想和家人一起享受生活。

30. D。推理判断题。第五段提到女人职位越高压力越大,心情越沮丧,并且大多数家庭靠女人照顾孩子。据此可推断,对女人来说,寻求工作与生活的平衡更加困难。

31. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的I was always on — even when I was not supposed to be及because he had the support of someone at home可知,Pichette实际上之前将精力几乎全放在了工作上,无暇顾及家庭。因此,他并没有实现工作与生活的平衡。

32. A。推理判断题。由最后一段末的He can afford to retire and not even have to work for the rest ofhis life. The rest of us are nowhere close to making that choice可推断,作者认为大多数人都因迫于经济压力而不能提前放弃工作。



33. D。推理判断题。由文章开头的To support his sick wife and earn a paycheck及第二段末的adopted their now 22-year-oldgrandson, Steven, who has been unemployed since January可推断,Simoff步行上班是为了给家里省钱。

34. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的he enjoys passing the cows and fields along the way及It's a little dangerous ... 可推断,Simoff的徒步路线充满乐趣和危险。

35. D。推理判断题。由最后一段开头的Simoff 's story has a familiar ring及下文的 James Robertson who for years has been walking 21 miles ... to andfrom his factory job可推断,作者提到James Robertson是因为他和Simoff有类似的经历——都因家庭经济困难而步行很远去上班。




36. A。A项与上文的manywater enthusiasts long for the opposite experience: acting out ... 相呼应,并引出下文对美人鱼学校的介绍。

37. E。E项中的laughingand smiling与下文的I feltlike it was such a happy environment相呼应。

38. D。D项与上文的theyassume it's really easy to ... 是转折关系。

39. C。C项中的universal与上文的the dual languages及the school operates under twonames, AquaMermaid and the French translation AquaSirene是转折关系,强调这一健身项目广受喜爱。

40. F。F项中的having adream come true与上文的live out afantasy相呼应。




41. C。由下文的I'll take his hand and walk him there myself可知,作者要亲自带儿子去学校,“而不是(Instead of)”由妻子带儿子去。

42. A。通常作者会在妻子送儿子去学校之前在门口给儿子一个“拥抱(hug)”。

43. A。由下文的to participate in the morning activities可推断,作者送儿子到学校后会在教室“逗留(stay)”一会儿以便参加早上的活动。

44. B。由第一段中的I'm proud to join fathers ... 可推断,作者很“高兴(happy)”能送儿子去学校并参加早上的活动。

45. D。下文列举了爸爸参与孩子教育的好处,故此处应是说送儿子去学校并参加活动是一件“正确的(right)”事情。

46. B。47. D。由下文的Dadsmodel how grown men behave in life可推断,爸爸参与孩子的“教育(education)”是一件很“重要的(important)”事情。

48. C。由下文的conduct ourselves及treat other people with respect and kindness可推断,此处应是说作者和儿子谈论他的“行为(behavior)”时。

49. B。作者向儿子举例说明成年男士如何用言语而不是手来与人“交流(communicate)”。

50. A。由下文的carrying themselves with dignity可推断,此处是说“举止得当(behaving properly)”。

51. A。让孩子们看到成年男子恰当的行为很重要,因为他们会“模仿(imitate)”成年男子的一举一动。

52. D。由下文的give kids more confidence in exploring the world可推断,爸爸会鼓励孩子冒“险(risks)”。

53. B。由下文的exploring the world around them可推断,如果爸爸比较活跃,孩子就会对世界非常“好奇(curious)”。

54. C。由下文的treat the child's mother及gender stereotypes可推断,孩子们会学习男人和“女人(women)”如何交往。

55. A。爸爸“经常(regularly)”帮忙做家务会给孩子很大的影响。

56. D。由上文的love及下文的break downrigid ... gender stereotypes可推断,此处应是说爸爸用爱和“关心(consideration)”对待孩子的妈妈。

57. D。根据break down(消除),rigid (刻板的)可知,此处应填一个具有消极意义的词。此处是说爸爸帮忙做家务、关心爱护妈妈的行为表现有助于消除“不健康的(unhealthy)”性别偏见。

58. C。通篇都是鼓励爸爸参与孩子的教育,故此处应填father。

59. B。由第一段中的Dads Take Your Child To School Day可知。

60. B。由上文可知,爸爸参与孩子的教育会让孩子从中“受益(benefit from)”。


61. fatter。考查形容词的比较级。由than可知,设空处应填fat的比较级fatter。

62. annoyed。考查形容词作表语的用法。be annoyed about意为“对……烦恼”。

63. a。考查冠词。go on a diet意为“节食”。

64. for。考查介词。设空处所在句句意:就你的身高而言,你不算太重。故填for(就……而言)。

65. eating。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。avoid后需跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填eating。

66. which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰saturated fatty acid,故填which。

67. gives。考查一般现在时。此处表示的是客观事实,故填gives。

68. really。考查副词。设空处修饰动词like,故填really。

69. myself。考查代词。设空处与主语指的是同一人,故填反身代词myself。

70. to lose。考查不定式作状语的用法。设空处作目的状语,且You与lose之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to lose。

2015-2016学年 高三英语周报第六期modules 1-2答案



 As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates.


 1. 将所有句子写在答题卡上;

 2. 续写词数不少于120个;

 3. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。


 As a student,I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates。

 Today,the teacher praised me, because i discipline is very seriously.

 I was quite pleased, unique sense of accomplishment. I can't wait to tell my mom as I got home.. Mother is also happy for me, I hope I continue to work hard. Although the teacher praised me, but I am not proud. Because, the only better in the world, no best. I will always strive to climb one after another in the peak of life.



2015-2016学年 高三英语周报外研版第六期modules 1-2答案

Book 2 Modules 1-2




11-15 ACACA 16-20ABCAB

21-25 ABDAB 26-30BDACC

31-35 DDAAB 36-40DEACG

41-45 CBDAC 46-50BADCB

51-55 DBBCD 56-60AADDB

61. saw 62. what

63. traditional 64. of

65. flying 66.which

67. but 68.to buy

69. a 70.easily


71. ... a place that ... that → where

72. ... happening on you ... on → to

73. Keep a diary is ... Keep→ Keeping

74. ... holding onto ... holding→ hold

75. ... also better for ... better→ good

76. ... person diaries ... person → personal

77. ... both of these ... both→ all

78. ... take it nowhere.

nowhere → anywhere

79. ... children often encouraged ...


80. ... and many people ... 去掉and

One possible version:

Dear Sam,

The picture is about a Chinese idiom “qián lǘ jì qióng”.

Once there were no donkeys in Guizhou Province, which is called “qián” forshort. Somebody brought a donkey from somewhere and left it on the mountain. Atiger had never seen a donkey before, so it hid and spied on the donkey. Whenthe donkey made a loud noise, the tiger was frightened, thinking that it was afearsome monster. After a while, seeing that the donkey had not moved, thetiger approached and teased it. The donkey became angry and kicked the tiger.Thinking to itself “Is that all it can do?” the tiger jumped on the donkey andate it.

This idiom means that one has exhausted his/ her skills.


Li Hua





21. A。篇章结构题。由第一段末的I was determined to find a way to be home more ... I quit my job tofocus fully on writing及第二段中的I was a work-from-home mom who never had to be away from my children可推断,作者如愿以偿地做了自由职业者,在工作的同时还可以和孩子们在一起。故划线部分指代“在家工作”。

22. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的The whole reason I worked so hard to be able to write for a livingwas to be at home with my kids and here I was taking them to a day care center.I thought I was a failure then可推断,作者为把孩子们送到日托中心感到愧疚。

23. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的Try telling your kid no, 20 times a day. It's cruel. You end upfeeling worse for having to ignore them可知。

24. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的I can now show my kids that Mom is important and has a job at aflashy office building, something they didn't realize when ... 可推断,作者的孩子们如今更加为作者感到骄傲。



25. B。词义猜测题。由上文的I ... dislike ... panting及Being really out of breath may mean you're trying too much too soon以及下文的high-


26. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的What's the best exercise? The one you'll do regularly可知,作者建议人们做任何自己能够坚持下去的运动项目。

27. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的making you super-alert and more creative too及 Steve Jobs liked “walking meetings,” and you can follow in theirfootsteps by moving around while ... 可推断,乔布斯的例子是为了证明做运动可以使人们的工作效率更高。

28. A。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章列了四个不运动的借口并逐一反驳。故A项最适合作本文的标题。



29. C。细节理解题。由第二段末的the singer was right可知。

30. C。推理判断题。由第五段末的If you have plenty of blue cones, you may see more blue可推断,那些认为裙子是蓝色加黑色饰带的人有很多蓝色视锥细胞。

31. D。推理判断题。第六段讲到为裙子拍照时的背景光也可能给人们识别裙子的颜色带来困惑,因为有的人对背景光比较敏感,他们的大脑能去除背景光的颜色对物体本身颜色的影响,从而导致他们有不同于其他人的结论。据此可推断,背景光影响了人们如何看待裙子的颜色。

32. D。写作目的题。由第三段中的What could cause so many people to see such different things?Scientists have come up with a few theories ... 及下文有关解释可推断,本文主要是为了解释人们对这条裙子的颜色感到困惑的原因。



33. A。细节理解题。由文中的Think about how this book widens your view of the world ... Write tous and tell us about it!可知,参赛者应就某本书写读后感。

34. A。细节理解题。由文中的What else would you add to our Empathy Book List?可知,活动举办方请读者丰富书单。

35. B。推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文是一则关于读书活动的通知。




36. D。D项与上文的A type ofperson who always agrees with everyone else相呼应。

37. E。E项与下文的Try toget them to see how they respond in these situations so they can start to see... 相呼应。

38. A。由本段中的ask for their opinion. Keep asking “why?” or “how come?”以及hear what they say可知,该段主要讲述要询问好好先生他们自己的观点是什么。

39. C。C项与上文的It may bethey are just very agreeable people都是可能导致好好先生唯唯诺诺的原因,并与本段小标题及下文的Identify the causes相呼应。

40. G。G项与上文的Thankthem for their ideas相呼应。




41. C。由下文的with an exciting Sweet 16 birthday party可知,此处是说通过举行生日派对来“庆祝(celebrating)”。

42. B。由第五段中的she wanted to use the money her parents would have spent on a partyto establish a ... grade class for Hermela and other kids可推断,Nubia想要改善埃塞俄比亚孤儿们的生活。

43. D。由第四段中的not being able to have her meal and ... education after the fourthgrade可推断,在埃塞俄比亚很多孩子“面临着(face)”严重的贫穷问题。

44. A。45. C。由下文的theirschool only went through the fourth grade 可知,Nubia对孩子们所面临的“教育(education)”方面的困难“尤其(particularly)”印象深刻。

46. B。由第四段开头的Out of the many students in the kindergarten class, Hermela可知,Hermela是一名“学生(student)”。

47. A。由下文的attached to me to a point where it was becoming ... for both of usto leave each other可知,Hermela和Nubia关系“亲密(close)”。

48. D。由上文的attached to me及下文Nubia对Hermela的关心和担忧可推断,让Hermela和Nubia分开变得“困难(difficult)”。

49. C。由第二段末的their school only went through the fourth grade可知,Hermela在四年级之后就无法继续“接受(receive)”教育。

50. B。Hermela所面临的困难让Nubia觉得“不可思议(unimaginable)”。

51. D。Nubia决定不举行传统的16岁生日派对。“相反(Instead)”,她想把原本要用于生日派对的钱用来帮助Hermela和其他孩子们。

52. B。由第二段末的their school only went through the fourth grade可推断,Nubia想建立一个“第五(fifth)”年级的班级。

53. B。由下文的that will serve for many years compared to the one-day ... 可推断,通过建立第五年级的班级可以提供一个“持久的(lasting)”解决方案。

54. C。举办生日派对只能带来一天的“快乐(pleasure)”。

55. D。由下一段的Keep Hermela Smiling可知,Nubia想让Hermela一直“微笑(smiling)”。

56. A。由上文可知,此处是指Nubia想帮助埃塞俄比亚孤儿们的“计划(plan)”。

57. A。由下文的raise funds for the Fregenet Foundation可推断,Nubia建立了一个“捐款(donation)”页面。

58. D。Nubia的“活动(campaign)”将为一个基金会筹集资金。

59. D。由上文的raise funds for the Fregenet Foundation可知,Nubia已经“募集了(raised)”2781美元善款。

60. B。由下文的they're selling most of their Ethiopian artifacts to help raisefunds可推断,Nubia的父母对她所做的事非常“支持(supportive)”。


61. saw。考查时态。由语境可知,此处指Alex上次见到家人,故用一般过去时。

62. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作宾语,故填what。

63. traditional。考查形容词。设空处修饰things,表示“传统的”,故填traditional。

64. of。考查介词。be fond of表示“喜欢”。

65. flying。考查非谓语动词。have fun doing sth. 意为“玩得开心”。

66. which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词embroidery,且在从句中作主语,故填which。

67. but。考查连词。not only ... but (also) ... 意为“不但……而且……”。

68. to buy。考查非谓语动词。由what可知,在此填to buy。what to buy作decide的宾语。

69. a。考查冠词。one指代选礼物的事情,且表泛指,故填a。

70. easily。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语think up,故填easily。

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